Twinfish Gardener

I'm using Minds as a place to share bits and pieces of the things that give me joy. I've always seen myself as a spiritual seeker and a student of life. Things that give me spark are being close to nature both in adventure and in gardening food and herbs. I'm a student of Taiji and Martial arts and fortunate enough to be able to teach and share this passion in my community. My blog is about some of the ways I'm putting these interests together. It's about experimentation, practice and seeking to grow in consciousness and compassion.
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I'm using Minds as a place to share bits and pieces of the things that give me joy. I've always seen myself as a spiritual seeker and a student of life. Things that give me spark are being close to nature both in adventure and in gardening food and herbs. I'm a student of Taiji and Martial arts and fortunate enough to be able to teach and share this passion in my community. My blog is about some of the ways I'm putting these interests together. It's about experimentation, practice and seeking to grow in consciousness and compassion.