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What is God's Plan? #PatriotCamp

vinceableworldMay 14, 2020, 8:24:51 AM

People are pretty screwed up in this world. I am far from perfect. I admit my defects of character when they appear. If you have an issue with someone else: PLEASE grow a pair and bring it to their attention. Chances are they are NOT the bad person that you may think they are at the time. Chances are you might find a way to resolve your differences. IMAGINE what the world could be like if that started happening MILLIONS of times?

I'm going to try and chalk this off to "a blessing in disguise" and move forward. I don't know of another option. I'm not prepared to surrender to the New World Order, and I don't think God, if He exists, wants us to sit back and wait for his Son to return and do ALL the heavy lifting. I don't need to read a bible to realize that God's plan... any God I would want to follow: Is that we should be GOOD to each other, own up to our mistakes and try our best to get along and not do harm. His plan would DEFINITELY include planting a seed in the ground and watering it, and producing for ourselves, instead of depending on supply chains and items trucked/boated/air dropped in from around the world. His plan would DEFINITELY include standing up to TYRANTS and rescuing CHILDREN that are being treated in all different types of God awful manner.

...and correct me if I'm wrong here, but I think there's a commandment that states you should "be your brother's witness" (apparently was wrong about that too but I think it's in the bible somewhere) - that is the answer to ENDING court room tyranny. Witness for your brothers and sisters who are not being afforded their God granted rights to due process.


Please don't even begin to talk to me about Jesus Christ or the bible if you're not willing to follow His commandments yourself.