Vince Theriault
  • flight_takeoff

I am hoping Minds takes off but I am not sure it will. I enjoy roaming the news feed but find little else with merit of interaction. keeps me busy and my other social media is more active. But I check everyday and I am open to chat and meeting new people.
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Some things are eternal.. like no matter how long of a break you take from #Minds you can always come back to swim in the right-wing cesspool of idiocy and nutjobs.... posting whatever garbage vomited onto them by their echo chamber overlords. OH, and all the "Libertarians" who pretend to be centrist.


The life of the unwealthy "Conservatives"... Projection: Accuse others of your faults to deflect attention from you I.E. Calling them snowflakes .. because you, in fact, ARE snowflakes. Intellectual laziness: To believe what you are told by those who do not have your best...See more


It amazes me the sheer dumbass things that the Reich wing believes... The Democratic party has its flaws for sure.... but the low IQ that the right collectively supports and encourages is staggering, the shit you morons are willing to believe without proof.... absolutely stunning... not sure whether to be impressed or disgusted by your stupidity.

I am hoping Minds takes off but I am not sure it will. I enjoy roaming the news feed but find little else with merit of interaction. keeps me busy and my other social media is more active. But I check everyday and I am open to chat and meeting new people.
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