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time specific mystic, arrival 1962, mighty messenger, activated artist, poised poet, ascending master, light warrior cursed with second sight.. this channel floats in the deep-end of numerous topics celestial & terrestrial; Urantia papers, wisdom, 4th/5th density; a fount for twisted current-events-raunchy-political memes... ya-know-what? on this battlefield of divine vs evil, i've been doing my part to save souls & remind people of the Spirit of Truth... meanwhile current assignment has me enshrouded in habiliments of a humble janitor. proton love, electron love, nucleus sex, ultimatonic. ascension xybatixe.com // IP address snafu sorted//
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time specific mystic, arrival 1962, mighty messenger, activated artist, poised poet, ascending master, light warrior cursed with second sight.. this channel floats in the deep-end of numerous topics celestial & terrestrial; Urantia papers, wisdom, 4th/5th density; a fount for twisted current-events-raunchy-political memes... ya-know-what? on this battlefield of divine vs evil, i've been doing my part to save souls & remind people of the Spirit of Truth... meanwhile current assignment has me enshrouded in habiliments of a humble janitor. proton love, electron love, nucleus sex, ultimatonic. ascension xybatixe.com // IP address snafu sorted//