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ZapperOct 9, 2019, 5:03:22 PM

In 1993, a naturopath by the name of Dr. Hulda Clark published a book the "Cure for All Disease" which elicited an immediate and growing interest. Although the book was self published, there was a large number of copies sold. Today, it is available from most any book store and has a 4.3 out 0f 5 ranking on Amazon. It is even available as a free download today as she placed it into the public domain to help those in need.

The book was full of radical ideas that included a non-medical, clean environment and good nutrition approach to curing diseases, including Cancer and auto-immune disorders. She also introduced, in the book, a battery powered electronic device that she called a zapper.

Because this approach to curing disease and illness was a serious threat to the medical industry profits and especially to the pharmaceutical industry, there was an immediate response to defame Dr. Clark and her book. One of the tactics that they used was to claim that she was promoting this zapper as a cure for cancer, which was far from the truth.

She plainly stated in her book that the zapper does not cure cancer, it kills or destroys microbes and some parasitic organisms that have a negative effect on your immune system. What many do not understand is that many people who are fighting cancer, die from microbial infections. She starts on page 5 discussing the "Discovery" and the data that she backs it up with. She also released the design of her zapper into the public domain so that people could build their own basic zapper although there are more advanced ones such as ParaZapper™ that can be bought.

Basically, the truth is that every organism has its own frequencies or ranges of frequencies and a lot of this depends on the structure and complexity of the organism. This part is actually nothing new and devices such as the medical electric battery have been around for almost 140 years that emit frequencies to help fight disease and illness. The peak of this was in the 1930's when Royal Rife demonstrated several cases where cancer was reportedly cured using certain specific frequencies.

So, if all of this great and wonderful news of curing disease and illness in the 1930's was so abundant, what happened? Basically, in an effort to consolidate and make profitable the medical and growing pharmaceutical industry, the fields of natural healing and alternative therapies had to be shut down through a number of actions. Some chiropractors were actually put in prison as frauds and quacks. This is well document in a number of publications. See: The Cancer Cure That Worked: 50 Years of Suppression by Barry Lynes. This is the tip of the iceberg.

If you have any doubts about the suppression of natural and alternative therapies, just take a look at what the medical profession did to suppress chiropractors for decades. The chiropractic industry sued the AMA in the 1980's and won. Today, however, the suppression of natural healing and alternative therapies is still full steam ahead. Rather than the old brute force methods, they are now using Orwellian tactics such as defaming, suppressing information, and providing false information on sites such as the Quack watchers and Skeptics. Many of these sites are heavily paid to spread false information. Several of them have been successfully sued but still continue their tactics. One of the leaders of this suppression is the Google search engine. This is also documented.

There are links to additional pages about the suppression of information below so let me get back to the important information.

Again, the zapper is not a cure for cancer and was not presented as such. The fact is that cancer is the direct result of a failed or failing immune system. It, literally, is the job of the immune system to stop and destroy any cancer in the body. If cancer grows into a tumor or spreads in the body, then the immune system is not doing its job. Cancer, while it has always been scary, has also always been a rare disease. Back in the 1950's, there was about a 1 in 30 chance of getting cancer. See: https://zapperdave.blogspot.com/2018/04/some-truths-about-cancer.html

Something has happened that has increased the spread of cancer and in her books, Dr. Clark discussed this problem, what the causes are, and how to fix it. The zapper has only one function and that is to help us stay alive long enough to defeat cancer. The zapper does this by killing infection causing microbes that result in sepsis. It is published that 9 percent of cancer patients die, not of cancer, but of sepsis. Sepsis occurs when the immune system is overwhelmed by the microbes that it is fighting. Also, some of the microbes that the zapper can destroy may further increase the spread of cancer by distracting and even disabling the immune system.

Consider this: if you are having to fight cancer, don't you want your immune system to be able to concentrate on fighting the cancer? Of course, but if you have intestinal candida or possibly a bacterial infection in the small intestine ( SIBO ), at least some of your immune system will be distracted into fighting those issues. Getting pneumonia or a staph infection does not help your body fight cancer. If you watch television or read magazines, the pharmaceutical industry had loads of information telling you about the infections that occur and frequently kill cancer patients. These drugs may help or they may not help. What do you do if they do not help, your immune system is rapidly failing and succumbing to sepsis? Will a zapper help? Or will it be too late because organ failure has set in?

Well, if the zapper worked, then wouldn't my doctor recommend it? No, the zapper is not an approved medical device and it probably never will be simply because it is a threat to the sale of antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals. Any doctor found recommending a zapper or Rife frequency therapy would likely be quickly stripped of their license to practice, be labelled as a quack, or possibly prosecuted and imprisoned. There are a few brave doctors that put their patients first and quietly suggest that the patient get a zapper. If you have one then you are lucky indeed. See: https://zapperdave.blogspot.com/2015/04/will-your-doctor-and-medical-system-let.html

Well then, when I look for zapper, on the internet, all I see is some games, sales stuff, and other stuff such as definitions of zapper, actually pages of definition sites. What is up with this? This is a part of the Orwellian tactics that I mentioned earlier! They are doing all that they can to hide this from the public. They do not want people to know about zappers. There are some paid for ads on Google but those are rarely the best, usually the cheaper versions.

Just 4 or 5 years back, when you typed in the word zapper, there were pages and pages of zapper sellers and information about zappers available on the internet. There were over 50 companies at any one time, selling various zappers ranging from cheap zappers that sold for $10 to ones costing over $1000. Rife machines and related were also there costing many thousands of dollars.

The FDA tried for years to shut down zapper companies, some of them were successfully shut down but for every one that they closed, 2 new ones or even 3 new ones popped up. Zappers and Dr. Clark's books were growing in demand. They had to find other tactics to stop it and this they did.

First, they started defaming Dr. Clark and her work, especially by claiming that the zapper was her cure for cancer, which it is not. Finally, after she died, they had her death certificate modified to discredit her. The original death certificate said that she died of complications from a spinal cord injury that resulted from an accident. It was later modified to include hypercalcemia and some sources used this to claim that she had multiple myeloma.

As a note, Dr. Clark had never been diagnosed as to having multiple myeloma or any other cancer before her death and she had not been treated for such. Also, her original death certificate did not state that she had such cancer. I would not rule it out for the following reason. One of the main causes of multiple myeloma is from exposure to benzene and related compounds. Reading her book, it is plain to see that she worked with these types of compounds on an extensive basis. Another possible explanation could possibly be poisoning from cadmium based materials as the symptoms are very similar.

All that I want to add here is that when you see information that discredits the discoveries made by some, take it with a grain of salt. There are forces at work that will go to extremes to maintain the billions of dollars of profit that is often reaped by less effective measures.

As for the zapper, I have been using top quality Rife frequency zappers for almost 19 years. At 69 years old, I am now healthier that I was at the age of 50 and if nothing else, using zappers is a major contributor to this. You have to make your own choices just do not be fooled by those who have an immoral approach to profits.

Contact your Congressman and Senator as well as the FDA and tell them that you want a study on using Low Voltage Pulsed Electric Fields to kill bacteria such as B. burgdorferi. LVPEF (Low Voltage Pulsed Electric Fields) devices such as ParaZapper CC2, ParaZapper UZI-3, and ParaZapper MY-3 can kill many different microbes in water in as little as a few minutes to an hour or two. While there is no known reason why they can not do the same in humans or animals, they are not FDA approved for such use and therefore, any such use would be considered to be "off-label" use.

To read about the best zappers available, just enter http://zapper1.com/ in your address bar and it will take you to https://huldaclarkparazapper.com/ where these quality premium zappers are sold.