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Join my channel to trade together with market signals and trends to reap great profits. Your support is also a great driver to help me develop and improve my channel. Donate my ETH: 0x15CDC41983cE346B2b1e38359B82f2f19544e261 BTC: 19yZxpEZthSKUxQyXaDsV2C7Hb4KkY7WEa Doge: D7BRgMLMdrAhhyaVNjvLT5sYC4YApLHfUY Trx: TYRw9MAxqp1efipTe5gDUkvAM7iLe57GQr
At Physician’s Surrogacy, our service-oriented medical and professional staff provide our intended parents, surrogates and egg donors a unique advantage over the traditional agency model. We offer an all-inclusive, physician-managed approach to help guide you through your journey, minimizing cost, time, uncertainty and risk.
Political Commentary
Christian, Programmer, Tech Enthusiast, Gamer, Center-Right Conservative. Self Improvement and Learning. I love learning new skills and studying to gain new knowledge. Presently I'm learning Spanish on Duolingo. I keep my mind fresh with the Elevate app. I'm working through SoloLearn.com courses to learn new programming langues and concepts. I'm also into road and mountain biking and hiking. Gab: https://gab.com/DCKarres Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/6JUNF1mjqPW0/ Telegram: @DCKarres
Artist of manga style illustrations.
Join me as I travel the USA in search of Solutions. I'm the co founder of a little startup with a huge mission - NatureHub.com Update: October 2019: Hey folks! Thanks for checking out my channel and for all your support! - I'm the co-founder of NatureHub app (naturehub.com) a platform I've invested the past 4 years into bringing to life. It's a community to connect conscious people and businesses to make the world a better place. I hope you will join us there! - This is my backup channel for my twitter acct. So in case twitter censors or bans me -this channel will become my main channel. - If you need to reach me, feel free to get in touch through any of my main active social media accounts below: tw: @jharveylewis fb: jharveylew youtube.com/channel/naturehub email: [email protected] - I've been traveling for the past 4 months and inactive here due to the constraints of living on the road- uploading to lots platforms requires good connection and lots of time which I often don't have. I very much believe in alternative platforms like minds.com and want to see them grow, but sadly my mainstream channels (fb/tw/lkdn) have gained more traction, and so with limited time and resources for me to get my upstart NatureHub going and needing to avoid social media / computer burnout I have to put this acct on the back burner temporarily.
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Dec 2018
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