
Death and rebirth in this lifetime
Love, Light & Fcuk The System Namaste )O(utlaw Peace & Love Tin Foil Hat wearing~Aspie Contributor (R) Truth Theory is a news media publication facilitating the empowerment of humanity using honest, solution-based and thought-provoking ideas Get our free ebook:
Indipendant Truth seaker and journalist. I am a conscious, incarnate aspect of the creator of all existence, born into this duality of love and fear! and I recognize you as the same! I choose love and forgiveness OVER fear and hate ! If we each plant a seed the garden will grow again ! love and light !
Just an American woman (mostly European with some Indofijian/Hindustani Fijian/Fiji Indian and mild amount of indigenous American). A girly tomboy. True Neutral/Chaotic Good and 21+ years old. I'm a ex-AntiTrump. I'm neutral about Trump (not a fan of him BTW). Also an IRL aunt. I also like memes. Memes are both a blessing and a curse. Watch out for anything NSFW (especially NSFL/Not Safe For Life) along the way! My Carrd is
This channel is about alternative news, spirituality, cryptocurrency, natural cures, music, science, meditacion, aliens and more.
Nerd up, I'm a game designer, educational esoteric cryptography 3d learning games in Decentraland, bullish on humanity, plan B
I'm just a dude. Father, son, brother, friend, contractor, philosopher, and American I am a perspective junkie who lives to learn more about everything. I want to engage in conversation with anyone and everyone so feel free to reach out and let's have some civil discourse. I have a bunch of random videos here..
#LAWOFONE. #MAGA, #QANON, #WWG1WGA, #HAILTOTHECHIEF, GAB: jsmistro, Twotter: jsmistro. Part of the great twotter banishment just after POTUS.
Hi, I am gedereee. I share nature, animal, landscape photos on my page. I would appreciate it if you follow and like it. Thank you for visiting my page.
Hello, I'm fkCLL, If you follow me I'll follow back you(gt var). You can find pictures of entertainment, drawing, landscape, etc. on my profile, You should look my profile.
May 2018
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