the mad doctor thyme

Howdtside Da Baax Edjutainment is a mouthpiece for alternative perspective beyond the knee jerk. A Weigh Knew Whirled !! Join Freelance Scientist Doctor Lenny Thyme. The plan is to stage play learning and create learning environments on human scale that address specific issues of societal repair. Doc Thyme is a PhD chemist, inorganic Group Theory, an educator and a Radio Talk Show Host. Doc works with the Treei calendar of nature to interpret reality using Fibonacci fractal scales. Welcome to Sociochemistry.
location_onplanet earth
I talk about philosophy,science,psychology,emotional freedom and metaphysics mostly.
Social Worker | Ethicist | Educator | Radio Show Producer/Host
I am a researcher, philosopher and seeker of truth. I am currently researching the hidden empire of Tartaria, which is at the heart of everything that is related to the truth movement. What sets my research apart is the sheer volume of books and images I have scanned on digitized archives in search of all old world media - art, stamps, drawings, engravings, photographs. I have seen patterns in antiquity few others have had the chance to see, for the simple fact that the data has only recently been made public. My most mindblowing discovery is that the medieval lance was a powerful gun - and not just a poking stick. The lancegun had two confirmed firing mechanisms - one pneumatic (wind gun - confirmed) and one other (still more research needs to be done). I present my research here (8 minutes in): Follow me to get updates on my findings and to see the content I produce with my fellow researchers on the Xirtus youtube channel.
nature,people,things unseen
Revisionistic Geology, Titans, Petrified Organs
The Truth Will Set You Free
planet earth
Aug 2019
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