BI,MMJ Advocate, born in the 90s, here to hopefully spread the word about some stuff ya know.
-Not very close to reaching Nirvana.
Let them be the fuel to your fire.
Instagram: yeeilikeflower
I am a pessimist with a positive attitude and a great sense of irony, also an agreeable sense of humor.
The further a society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those who speak it.
-George Orwell
I am not here to make anyone happy, but I can give you a compelling narrative for your misery.
"Hope" is a great way to greet disappointment.
Hey there and welcome to my Minds page!
My name is Melvin and I love all things makeup and marketing related!
If you want to check out any of my other work feel free to check out my other channels:
- Instagram: @usernamemelvin
- Twitter: @UsernameMelvin
- Snapchat: melvin21-21
- YouTube: UsernameMelvin
I hope you enjoy!