This otaku HHH casual filth of the USMC, FEMA, CCC, PCC, other PCC, GNOME, PSN, 208, and TLA does not exist.
The world is falling apart slowly and more perverted by the day. However fear not for God himself will destroy the wickedness of this world. Look around you it's happening every day earthquakes and wars and nature itself.
A little bit of this and a little bit of that.
I think, therefore I am!
Bio Welcome. My name is Alice Koh. Happily married. I teach yoga and reiki. I'm a therapist for physical and physiological ailments and also a wire artist. All jewelry pieces in my shop are specially handcrafted by me. I love to share the amazing history and metaphysical benefits of precious and semi-precious stones. They are sacred as they hold the imprints and energies of primordial Earth. Please like my articles if you find them informative. Also subscribe to my channel. Thank you so much. Note: photos on this channel unless otherwise stated are taken from the internet. I try as much as I can to credit the source to its rightful owner. Any research papers written, unless otherwise stated, are mine and are not to be duplicated without my permission. Peace and blessings to all of you ❀ Please visit my shop @ http://greatspiritlodge.shop #crystals #energyhealing #spirituality #reiki #yoga
Observer, Historian & Author. Preserving History, one post at a time. Disclaimer: Not for the psychologically impaired. Apologies, but I'm not the midwit whisperer. https://commoncitizen.substack.com/
i am an old annoyed guy in north TX that likes poetry, philosophy, technology, sci-fi, and liberty.
Just a Smart Ass on the internet.
Alive on planet Earth.
it’s all about the dogs. maybe the cats from time to time as well. Okay the garden, beer and pot are represented as well.
Aug 2023
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