shelly w

Pro Bono - Contra Malum Humanitas Genius Universalis
free thinker underground cartoonist revolutionary
Orgonite Maker. Truther. Light worker. Come friend me on facebook @ I can't check msgs so if u need to reach out do it in comments for now. My Law of One & Q group @
Voluntaryist, anti-war, Humanist ex-Christian who is tired of being told what to think. I use this to post funny memes about religion along with thoughts I have about religion and the ideas surrounding it. I am not overly concerned with how many viewers I have or how many likes each post gets. What I want from this channel is to articulate my thought about religion and groups like it, and in the process help people who, like me, were trapped in a closed circle of thought and dogmatized to, regardless of the source. I am not interested in and will not tolerate: threats, preaching, spam, MLM scams, anything about Deh Joos, etc. If I see it, I will block you. Whether from a religion, a government, an abusive parent/spouse or just from the absurdity of life, I hope you find something here that will spur you to improve as a person and overcome whatever has been holding you back. For what little it may be worth, I choose to believe that you can improve and move forward if you have a mind to do so.
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Page to share opinions and have discussion on any subject.
always get your head's focus.
May 2019
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