ANBARIC - New Finnish Rock

Finnish rock from Sweden. New song every month.
trump gal posting her favorite pro trump content
Marco Nuzzo nasce in provincia di Lecce nell’aprile del ’78. Intraprende la carriera militare, sebbene le sue passioni risiedano nell’arte e nella letteratura; recensore e collaboratore editoriale. Collabora per siti e blog letterari. Ha scritto vari articoli per il Dinanimismo di Zairo Ferrante; è stato menzionato nelle opere del futurista Roberto Guerra, “Neo futurismo 2000” e “L’estetica transumanista in Italia”; ha collaborato con Noris Roberts, Ambasciatrice Universale per la Pace e l’Amore in Venezuela, e poetessa. Per Lettere Animate Editore è stato creatore e direttore della collana erotica “Satyricon”. Ha collaborato per Teseo editore, Seleer editoriale e per la collana “Poesia e vita” e “Sopralerighe” in qualità di curatore d’opera, per Rupe Mutevole edizioni. Promotore editoriale per Butterfly edizioni, curatore e creatore della sezione dedicata alla poesia “Frequenze di Bragi” per Almax Magazine. Ha collaborato per Matisklo Editore in qualità di recensore. Nel dicembre 2012 è uscita la raccolta poetica “Anime” assieme a Gioia Lomasti e per Photocity Edizioni, con interventi di Norman Zoia, paroliere del cantante Pino Scotto e dello storico gruppo heavy metal “Vanadium”, e di Stephen Alcorn, dell’Alcorn Studio & Gallery di Cambridge. Per Sognihorror è stato curatore d’interviste, recensore ed Editor.
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dirty bitch (currently under construction)
Then I closed my eyes. And I felt fear for the last time.
I.M. Pembroke lives in a cave with a cat name Bungles and a bottle of scotch. CLASS WAR BABY! is his first novel.
Besides being a life long learner I was originally trained as a photographer. After a 25 year career in 3D/research working for a large toy company in Denmark and a TV station in Germany, I returned to my initial passion of pointing the camera at beautiful things. creating websites for small independent companies, doctors, architects and offering my service as a professional photographer is my big passion. I recently worked part time as a 3D visualizer in a research department at the University and I am working part time as a farmer with about 70 Black Angus cows and bulls. besides all that I was politically active all my life. traditionally on the social side of it, I recently found myself in a spectrum that bares surprises. I really enjoy watching law stuff on the internet as well as videos about abandoned places. most fascinating discovery is Brent Underwood living and preserving Cero Gordo! what a character. This man is redefining “live your dream”. All work I present here is my own and under my copyright. I sell prints (mostly rather large ones) but I can also be talked into contributing my artwork if it's for a good cause. Asking never hurts, misuse breaks trust!
Enter the Stoa... Remote streaming via from San Francisco to Seattle. N8 and Chi helm this online multimedia vessel BANDIT HANDS. Streaming LIVE Wednesdays and Sundays. The Stoa Group has the foundational philosophy of personal ethics informed by its system of logic and its views on the natural world. As social beings, the path to blessedness is found in accepting the moment as it presents itself. By using one's mind to understand the world The Stoa Group's core is to do one's part in alignment to the nature of the universe. Only working together and treating others justly can we forge the way upward. Come join the Stoa...
Luke Degré When I read "Minds Is the Anti-Facebook That Pays You for Your Time" my 1st thought was cheers to this, sounds like a social network I want to use. Encourage others to and see where this one goes... I first started using the stage name of Luke Degré in 2008. At that time I'd been practicing digital photography for about 5 years. Playing in a kink fashion publicly about 3 and tying humans with a serious passion for maybe a year. Life was filling fast with twists & turns I hadn't imagined navigating yet. In the concoction brewing my passion for creating Erotic Imagery was finding it's niché. 13 years later, here we are in 2021 maybe with a pandemic almost behind us... I'm here to share my personal creations of Erotic imagery with any & all who might like to see. Push a few boundaries possibly, grow & learn where I am able. Find other like minds Here I will be posting all my Erotic works. @Ropefetish I'll be posting images with rope only.
May 2017
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