Abused Men

We strive to make abuse against men visible, to make society accept that abuse against men exists and to work against all forms of abuse.
Âllo! Âllo! Âllo! LIBERTÉ!!!  What a relief to be away from Fesses-book!  #Quebec #Montreal #Canada  News. Politics. Art. Culture. Language.
👽🌈🌌🌍🌞🌛 I am interested in aliens, the universe, healthy vegetarian food, music and conspiracy theories. And I 💖 animals.🐥🐇 
we all say we know the answer, but do we understand the question?
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I find cool pieces of artwork from the internet and post them here. I did not produce these. #Art #Aesthetic #Psychedelic #DigitalArt
I believe in unifying all beings into alignment with unconditional love for everything. I believe in creating new systems that provide for our people and i choose to act in a way that empowers all sovereign beings into freedom. How may i support you into higher levels of sovereignty? I invite you to learn more about a global network of micro-nations and sovereign beings, the Tribe of Awakening Sovereignty http://www.tribeofawakeningsovereignty.com/
Shall I give them religion? . . . If I could allow myself a sarcastic and cynical moment: There is much research done for these writings and many excerpts are taken secondary to the primary essay or book. I am putting this together not to create an ethos for myself but rather as a discovery. I have seen the community colleges and university educational system in play and I can do better, much better. If you want to use any of this material just ask and I will provide comprehensive source material and citations-everything here is legit and at the highest level of scholarship. So, no reason to criticize what you may see as plagiarism when I am openly admitting my 'form',...which is basically a standard university essay form--materially rephrasing others' work, correct? That is what we call school in America now, I think... Thanks. If it seems I don't know much about the internet it is because I don't normally stare at screens. I stare at journals and books with paper and pen nearby. 2, 2, 3, 2, 3 No links are posted for vids because it is aesthetically displeasing. I'm sure you can find them yourself.
Just feeding my brain I have a vast spectrum of interests and enjoy sharing information on a variety of topics Peace, Liberty, Love and Laughs ∞ ✌️😎
We are Pirates of Dark Water, here to unite minds for our cause, we are here to save the world and no one will know it was us. We have been in the shadows watching and this is bout to get nuts We're here to stop injustice, and release the world from its cuffs, We stand up they fall, that is all, they are weak and we're tall, United to stand on our feet at the call to defeat any foe. Check out my rap blog. You must be incognito to view. Use a browser that can handle tor to web sites. http://6h6pivqe62iwgftv.onion.to
Oct 2015
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