
I Am Painter and illustrator love to make Stop-motion and body paintings too, i love Everything about ART :) welcome to my channel <3
Cassone (pronouced: kuh·so·nee) Holistic Primary Care (DAOM) | PhD Clinical Nutrition | Author | Professor | Black Belt Krav Maga
Conservative-Libertarian Gamer and Author from Hartford, Connecticut. Living now in Orlando, Florida. Follow: @freevoluntarist Luis Rosales | Luchi | LuchiCholito Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts & Indie Simulation games are the best. 💯 Trump is OK. Love your life & love nature! Dog and Cat person. 🤓
designer / animator scribblographer / plurkonomist parkourtisan #curryhobo 𒂼𒄄
**Please do not subscribe to me for the sake of it. I won't sub back and it's annoying not knowing who actually likes my art.** I'm an art student in New York, majoring in Illustration. Aspiring fiction writer and mixed martial artist. This is my base of operations: I upload much more regularly over on Instagram, so follow me there if you aren't already banned from Zucc's empire. I'm also a center-left, atheist, anti-pc political commentator. The Ideological Way: I believe in our constitution, civil debate, but most importantly having fun without infringing on other's civil liberties. Please consider following if you like my posts!
Independent Music Producer
Musician, professional bullshit detector. I believe we need more transparency in government. I know we are lied to on a daily basis by the mainstream media and the history being taught in schools today is not only untrue, but harmful to any independent free thinking individual. I believe freedom of speech is one of the most sacred rights we have as individuals. I welcome dissenting opinions as long as they are presented in a decent, coherent manner. I enjoy truth, beauty and unusual stories. I follow lots of different people and post lots of things I find interesting. If I post something it's because I find it interesting, thought provoking or beautiful. I don't always agree wholeheartedly with everything I post but I do truly enjoy hearing what others have to say. I find irreverent humor quite funny and also am known to curse. If that offends you then just move along. The images I post on my channel are all found on the internet and are not my personal work. You are always welcome to message me although I've found the Minds messaging system to be a bit wonky at the present time.
A man with a camera, mostly drunk. I pretend to be a photographer and I even sell prints here: I am basically a discount Tim Dillon, a cheap knockoff manufactured in Eastern Europe but I own a camera and I am older than he is. After my career as a social media influencer failed for some reason I decided to become a life coach and an inspirational activist or whatever the fuck is this thing called. This is why my posts are so full of inspirational life lessons that are meant to pretend like I'm helping you achieve success despite the fact that I am a living train wreck. After my failed career as a life coach I am thinking about pivoting to a cult leader, subscribe for updates! After my failed career as a cult leader I decided to rebrand myself into a political pundit with a dying Patreon account and plenty of hot takes on everything. My career as a political pundit never took off so I am rebranding myself as a Socialite, I have no idea what this occupation means but I want to become the next Ghislaine Maxwell. I was never meant to become a socialite due to the fact that I look like a war criminal from the Balkans so I am rebranding myself to a screeching blue checkmark, I hear it's a booming business. After my brief hiatus and shutting down this account I am reemerging as a climate activist, it that goes south I will pivot to generic activist for whatever is popular. I need money. After the events of early October of 2019 I've lost control of my job title descriptions so the bio sections gets a time out. -------------------------------------------- Gary Vaynerchuk does NOT follow me on Instagram. However Valentine Thomas started following me on Instagram recently and I have no idea why. I am serious now, this actually happened. ------------------------------------------- These are jokes people. It's called comedy.
Cursus Honorum Vero Beach, FL | Washington, D.C. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Individuation does not isolate, it connects. ~ Carl Jung 🖌 Nam Myoho renge kyo... ~ Nichiren 🌸 For the leopard lives by the law of claw, and horn and fang. He will kill for hunger and eat thereof but he will never kill for killings sake. A law which all men break, but the jungle folk obey. ~ Rudyard Kipling 🖊 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A 30th Century Man: #art #film #acting #science #politics #FIRSTamendment #secondAMENDMENT #generalGOOFYness #philosophy #religions #AmericaFIRST Post Scriptum If you hate the Jewish people or their faith, please don’t subscribe to my channel. 🇮🇱 Thank you. 🇺🇸
Check out my original Mandala paintings here - Check out my funky 80's inspired paintings here - Check out my print shop and merch store here - Artist Adam Millward paints with passion and creates with the intention to expand your mind and inspire your soul! #art #artist #visionaryart #inspiration #motivation #design #Mandala #modernart #contemporaryart #psychedelic #pattern #entrepreneur #smallbusiness #artforsale #spiritual #lsd #dmt #abstractart #minds #NDE #Lightworker #Spirituality #SacredGeometry
Feb 2017
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