Alex B.

I'm supporting the long due global populist revolt! Time for the sheep to fight back... Also post some funny stuff to take a break from politics. Politically incorrect, of course!
Admirer of arts. Planning to use this account as a blog for art history (coming soon xD )
Being a technical writer has been one of my greatest aims since an early age. Writing many blogs has made me explore the creativity in me and additionally has thought many things to me. Significantly, this link has many of my articles. This page will take you through a tour on the details of the famous streaming device Roku. As a writer, my works being appreciated is major happiness and joy. So, go through the page for your understanding and revert to me for improving my work. It will be a great pleasure waiting for the readers’ comments! If you think reading is boring then you are doing it wrong!
Purpose in life: helping animals. Vegan. I never belonged to the "flock" so this new reality is making me uncomfortable with my loss of freedom
Anything it takes to be eligible
Sep 2018
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