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Chao moi nguoi tren Minds cung tuong tac: Subscribers, Votes, Reminds. Cam on
Jesus said, "Know what is in front of your face, and what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you."
"Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." (1 Thessalonians 5:21, KJV). "The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going." (Proverbs 14:15, KJV). I am interested in exploring various different viewpoints in science. "Exploring viewpoints Controversies of Science, little-known information, and more" Disclaimer: This page is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace medical advice. No claims as to the completeness or accuracy of the information presented are made. Under no circumstances shall the owner of this page be liable and/or responsible to any person or entity for any action taken on the basis of the information presented on this page.
I love photos and paintings Nature and art are best !!!
I identify as a Reality-Theorist, my pronouns are... 'Told/You/So' 😛 Thank you for subscribing...I post to share knowledge&truth... subscribe to my subscriptions too, remind the shit out of many as possible have to know what the fuck is going on... GodlessHeathenArtistEmpathLightwarriorLoverIntrovertSapiosexualAtheistTrutherExvaxxerbyresearchAnarchistSpiritualgangsterCoffeeaddictFoodloverEnvironmentalistNoclimatetardFreethinkerNocoronatardAntigreatresetINFP-A Next Wave Plandemic is coming aka * 🐦Flu *CovReTardia 4.0 Jabbed spreaders of spike-protein are the biggest threat to Pure-Bloods now Thank you for subscribing, Subscribe to channels I remind too, vote, remind, comment good or bad... IDGAF if you downvote, downvoters that do so without having some balls to say why are kinda pathetic imo and will probably get blocked asap...don't waste my time... Don't like what I say? Pro-Tip: Unsubscribe...block...ignore like you ignore truth and facts...when that doesn't work remove yourself from the gene-pool? I will subscribe to channels that bring stuff I like...We don't have to agree... IDGAF bout what you believe&shit... or if we differ on 9/10...IDC... I'll cherish the one post that suits me... but if you try to preach... You Gone... No hard feelings tho...namaste... Like I care about the numbers...Maybe I'm just not your style/frequency/whatever...maybe you think I'm crazy...can't actually blame you for that LMAO Have a nice life anyway I Bless you . I despise hate from&towards any belief, ideology or race... Hate will consume you, be wiser... Subbed doesn't mean I share your view, but I do want to read&see where you're at... And to finish, refrain from analyzing me...Wannabe psychologists are dead-wrong & it'll only expose your lack of intelligence...Not even experienced REAL shrinks can start to scratch the surface of my mind, don't make a fool out of yourself!
Just a guy bitching about his dog, the NCAA & events. "Dogs and beer are proof God loves us and wants us to be happy."
Basil Alexei 𝔓𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔭𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔞𝔪 Discord: cruxsign_endofes “Vanitas vanitatum, dixit Ecclesiastes, vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas”
Here to share videos and picture, as well as conservative views. Follow me on #rumble : user name LongHornCove
Interested in reporting news related to politics, economics, cryptocurrencies and miscellaneous.
I live my life in the woods and only post my own pictures.
Pureblood. Former U.S. Army Infantry. NRA life member. I believe 1A and 2A are the backbone of America. Occasionally I do graphic design.
Administrator and editor of The New Leaf Journal (, an online writing magazine dedicated to publishing perennially virid content. By day, I am a legal writer and research specialist in the area of U.S. immigration law.
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Jul 2018
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