
I do Computer stuff
Thinker and Futurist
“Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses.”
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Life, Music & Internet Lover... _Global Abundance & Freedom Lifestyle Solutions...
I'm a singer songwriter. I record songs and make low quality videos to go with them. I am not interested in pursuing the illusion of perfection with the vids. With the music I try a bit harder... I'm a Buddhist who has learned to practice in Asia. I believe Buddhist Meditation can cure addictions and I am willing to try and help anyone who is interested. For free or donation, up to you. If it's not free its not Buddhist. Remember that. I've lived in Battambang Cambodia for three years. Soon I will go home.
just a human who lives on earth
Pharmageddon Just an open-minded and concerned citizen. Vaccines can work, but today, due to their adulterated composition, they are just another slow-kill corporate vector to poison the masses. #vaccines #vaccinations #adjuvants #thimerosol #gardasil #fluoride #eugenics #cancer #polio #mercury #HPV #CDC #FDA #Autism #ADHD
Jun 2015
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