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IDGAF if you downvote, downvoters that do so without having some balls to say why are kinda pathetic imo and will probably get blocked asap...don't waste my time...
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Pro-Tip: Unsubscribe...block...ignore like you ignore truth...when that doesn't work remove yourself from the gene-pool?
I will subscribe to channels that
bring shit I like...
IDGAF bout what you believe&shit...
or if we differ on 9/10...IDC...
I'll cherish the one post that suits me...
but if you try to preach... You Gone...
No hard feelings tho...namaste...
Like I care about the numbers...Maybe I'm just not your style/frequency...maybe you think I'm crazy...can't actually blame you for that LMAO
Have a nice life anyway
I despise hate from&towards any belief, ideology or race ...
Hate will consume you, be wiser...
Subbed doesn't mean I share your view, but I do want to read&see where you're at...
And to finish, refrain from analyzing me...Wannabe psychologists are dead-wrong & it'll only expose your lack of intelligence...Not even experienced REAL shrinks can start to scratch the surface of my mind, don't make a fool out of yourself!
"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined."
~Patrick Henry
I talk to angels and animals: facts! I have lucid dreams of the 144,000 celestial forces that align with the 144,000 genomes in the blood. The tarot is used in secret to build the ladder to the Tree of Life, leading to the Holy Guardian Angel. My goal is to have twelve decks for each gate which deepens the level of opening up these forces. Then I just got into building everything with music and animation, which is more germane to the dreams. We shall see, the city of heaven will be revealed with my every waking, when not farming, breath.
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