
Nguyenkimhau, I live in beautIful beach Nha Trang city and I love my country so much!
Tự do thông tin, tự do biểu đạt
We are Anonymous, we are legion, we do not forgive, we do not forget. Expect us!
Writer, Artist ... Probably a human being? Currently shopping for an agent/publisher to get my first two books of my science fiction series published. 1st book's teaser: "A boy dreaming of exploration, Baer D’Alene was snared by birth’s fate and trapped behind the oceanic walls of a floating scientific city called Heaven’s Gate — Earth’s only space elevator. In this golden cage, and beacon of global hope, Baer walks unnoticed amidst tunnel-visioned scientists whose only desire is to save the world, and themselves. Fourteen and feeling ‘bubble-wrapped’ by the privilege of his old father, he is unable to see the outside world descending into a cataclysmic political, philosophical, and scientific struggle for primacy. When Baer’s naive curiosity pulls his four childhood friends into a dystopian conspiracy, the ensuing whirlwind of secrets and sacrifice rips away his unappreciated privileges. Inexperienced, unqualified, and untested Baer is thrown into the hands of a black-ops team, whose Amazonian operative begrudgingly marshals him through a coup. Unwittingly entangled in the destiny of a nebulous project called ReGenesis, he must fight for a place on humanity’s last life raft. But with his dreams of exploration turning to nightmares, can Baer prove to both a black-ops team and himself that he is worth saving?"
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Jun 2018
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