Bastendorf The Developer

Proud gamer, writer, artist, independent game developer.
Weirdo from F!nland Metamask: 0x24432C547F0B3A51F60b023dE9A5f8d275514Af1
I am an engineer by trade, techie by necessity and artist by volition. I currently make films, games, art, fix computers and do gardening. I also build stuff for people sometimes. Check out my videos -
Indie game developer turned #UE4 consultant. You can find out more about what I do on Mostly here to convince you that #BasicIncome is the Next Big Thing and to express any thoughts that require too much nuance for Twitter. In case you can't tell, that is not me on the profile picture.
There is hope for humanity.
MindsfulDevs - group for game developers who know it's not "just games", but a powerful, valuable expression tool, like no other so far in human history: (A bit empty thus far, you're welcome to join if you are a dev and understand the description.) ---- Aspiring indie game developer. Hypercreative mind, hypoactive body/person. Motivation issues. Frequent feelings of pathological loneliness and alienation. Multimedia person: programmer, dabbling 3d artist and animator, dabbling music producer, loves game design and player/user/group/general psychology. Wannabe movie/game/society critic.
5% insightful social commentary. 5% personal updates 100% shitposting.
Oct 2016
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