
#MAGA "The red pill and its opposite, the blue pill, are popular culture symbols representing the choice between embracing the sometimes painful truth of reality (red pill) and the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue pill)." Red Pilled World is for people who choose the red pill:
Hello, my friends, welcome to my channel! On my page you will find topics related to craftsmanship, music, games, politics, and anything medieval. Free speech and civility are important to me. We should speak truth, and be equally willing to listen when others speak wise words. I am currently living in Daegu, South Korea and enjoying the beautiful country, temples, and castles. Feel free to chat and I will do my best to reply. If you can, subscribe so we can make this corner of the web a larger, better place. Thank you, all. Safe travels! I am currently living in South Korea. My @TAK_In_South_Korea page is basically defunct. You can follow my travels here :)
We're a small family of truth seekers who started a clothing business born out of our passion for exposing the hidden influencers of this world. Our purpose is to expose the hidden hand though our social media content, and partly through our ethically made clothing. Our designs are subtle and intended to be thought provoking. We would be honoured if you would check out our tees and subscribe to our profile to receive regular news updates and the occasional promotional offer.
'The world was not prepared for it. It was too far ahead of its time. But the same laws will prebail in the end and make it a triumphal success." Nikola Tesla
Limetec is the UK’s leading provider of traditional eco-friendly lime mortars, renders and plasters for building and refurbishment projects.
~ just enter my life.. ~
Laid back and super chill person that loves everyone and there opinions even if there different from mine. ----------------MY GROUPS------------------- Amateur Art #knowyourshit
Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know. 
Jun 2017
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