
Vo|dstar the transcendent ghost of the eastern moon donned in wh|te robes and ra|nbow body coex|stent |n the treasury of l|ght through a t|mespace fork of real|ty hav|ng d|v|ded |nf|n|ty by zero to melt the cha|ns of ouroboros thus choos|ng to |ncarnate through the man|festat|on |n the collapse of potent|al|ty by mak|ng a cho|ce to help others ascend, l|ke you. Other mon|kers: Male; Gnost|c; ex-Sc|entolog|st; Ga|a member; real|ty enthust|ast; futur|st; technolog|st; spiritual|st; ufo enthus|ast; cyber-zomb|e enthus|ast; |n other words - advocate of h|gh we|rdness Sensitive Content Warning - My posts will contain insensitive material. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_use/
location_onAntarctica, Antarctica
Please Feel Free To Add Me As A Friend, If you want to have fun, hear good music, see funny videos, and learn cool things! Theater Arts and Show Biz is My Biz! 😉🎭 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ft7h8p2JU-M
Husband, Father, Veteran, Writer, Pagan, and all around decent human being. Your results may vary....
I.M. Pembroke lives in a cave with a cat name Bungles and a bottle of scotch. CLASS WAR BABY! is his first novel. https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1140051
Everyone puts shit here, me I am to lazy... News, memes. and salty shit. Gaming on twitch as well.
Just a Thelemite exploring the Infinite.
I have been gaming since 1992 and building PCs since 2003. I enjoy Linux, supporting FOSS projects and am a tinfoil hat connoisseur. Gaming is my achilles heel in that regard. Many FOSS projects rely on donations. If you have money to spare but don't know which to donate to take a look at the below links on Ko-fi, Github, and Open Collective. Anything on there is something I have found to be worthy.
Me, Just me. This is how I got past the 5000 character limit on the bio. https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1364575682021036047
:: Connect * Collaborate * Create :: It's about the power of will, first your individual will and then the collective will. A calling, to a universal giggle .. getting louder and louder! :: This giggle to us is a call to action :: and we can hear it loud and clear! We promote power in choosing something collaboratively without trappings of a hive-mind. Here we encourage other artists to be themselves, further develop their name aka brand, while also contributing to the open art collaborative that is the Infinite Imaginarium or #Imaginarium :: We Believe :: Building sustainability should be cultivated in an art community by mutual respect, trust, and willingness to be vulnerable while we continue to grow, we all ask for help from each other.. so please don't be shy! And in.. a kind of self-management, wholeness and evolutionary purpose that together help create the richness needed to perfect the soil of our imaginarigarden of creativity :: We invite you to reach out :: if you have questions, would like to be interviewed or featured by all means, email us links and any accompanying bio! :: Podcast :: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZe95H1B_pl-CzV_NpUYJO-_hBvESqtD1 :: E-mail Us :: [email protected] :: ii ART GROUP :: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/604673111018713103/activity
Where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. Behind this mask there is more than just flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea... and ideas are bulletproof.
Fit over Fifty - I'm working on Physical, Financial, Mental & Spiritual fitness after the age of 50. Husband, amateur photographer 📷 and proud Network Marketer living with my amazing wife Nicole in Sioux Falls. I value Freedom above all. 💪
Antarctica, Antarctica
May 2017
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