
Who am I? A mask behind diffrent faces, a - Pick Pocket Magician 🃏 - Lock Picker🔓 - H4ckt¡v!st_ (GreyHat) ☠ - Hardware Tinkering 🔧 - Programmer/Web Dev💻 - Linux Admin👤 - IT/AV Department🎚 - Musician 🎼 - Software & Stencil Artist🖌 - 3D_Pr¡nt!ng 🖨 - Privacy Advocate 🎭 - Video Editor🎬 - AntiSkid🚫 News more important than repetative identity Politics Boycott Google Survaillance/Censorship: use and plant trees with privacy better than Google #OpAmazonia Facebook supports Isis: during #OpIsis, they censored my anti-Isis hashtags. I will be staying in minds #Anonymous is a collection of Ideas of: Activism, Cyber Security, Freedom of Speech, Self Defence, Self Sufficiency and Relience, Health and Environment, Alternative Energy Solutions, Alternative Decentralized News #OpHongKong #OpDeathEaters #MMM
Discover how to visit the past and bring yesterday's stories into our lives today.
Aly ❤ 19 ❤ Anonymiss ❤ Free mind ❤ Taken ❤ Glover ❤ Hooper ❤ Flowartist ❤ Author ❤ Editer ❤
Sometimes the tree of liberty needs to be refreshed with the blood of tyrants
Ready for a big world change
🌍 OPen Your Eyes OPen Your Mind B OPen 🎭  🇫🇷 La science mon essence - L'Art mon excutoire. Entre, mon âme vibre. Dans ce va & vient incessant, mes joies, mes envies, mes tourments, mes combats vont et viennent pour ne faire qu'un. La danse de ma vie au rythme de mon coeur et de mon esprit. On est tous les 🌟 de nos vies 💚🇺🇸🇬🇧 The Science my essence, the Art my excutoire. Between, my soul vibrates. In it go and come ceaseless, my desires, my agonies go and come to make only one, The dance of my life at the rate of my heart and my spirit. "In human the intelligence is an uncultivated ground which it is necessary to maintain" (Eugène Delacroix). We are all the 🌟 of our life ❤ Foep Lactée.😎 RKE
Jun 2015
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