I am a graphic artist i basically do any thing from Album/Song/Mixtape cover work to banners,templates etc. Support and follow me at these pages
*All monetized posts are graphic artwork done by me (PinealGlandVisual)*
• Archaic Revival
•Polyamory (consensual, ethical, and responsible non-monogamy)
•Altruism ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Find us on discord! https://discord.gg/nS48DcA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dedicated to the exploration of the Fractal Ouroboros that is our existence. Forever; loving, pure soul. Body, spirit, and mind our temple. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Feel free to join the community! Feel free to make yourself at home and slip right into the family.
I post what I like I guess.
Anti globalist anti stateist sustainable living
Sketches paintings and miscellaneous writings
Harm Reduction activist
Avid beatles fan, yes I know they're basically a 1960s boy band
Pro-safe supply
Professional slacker
Sometimes I do art
also sometimes do music
also sometimes write
Babe's page @k9babyyxo
New minds user and interacts openly @JudahKessler
Wire shout outs: