
This is #nsfw page! Libertarian, prior USMC infantry, don’t be a deuche, I’m here for free speech and beautiful women. Currently stuck in a foreign country working for Uncle Sam doing personal security. #sendnudes or #sendnods both work. PS: just because I follow you does NOT mean I agree with you. I enjoy CIVIL discussion and opposing points of view. I am a Born Again Christian, just not very good at it. We all have our faults.
We have the best female Trump supporters don't we folks. Let's stay on topic in here. All others will be removed. Moderated by @bayouMedic
Taking over Minds with cuties with guns NOTE: If you post things unrelated to the group that have nothing to do with hot women with firearms it will be deleted and you banned from the group.
Open to all former and present Service members.
News, discussion, and activism related to protecting and expanding the right to keep and bear arms. Keep discussions civil, and on topic. If I cannot tell, at a glance, how your post relates to the right to keep and bear arms, there's a good chance it will be treated as spam. Spam posts will be deleted. Spammers will be removed from the group. Obvious spammers, and repeat spammers will be banned. Also, please invite your subscribers. Owner: @ButchCrassidy
Sep 2018
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