Brian Ruhe

I am raising awareness about the E.T. agenda for human advancement. website:
#Aristotle against #Plato is the Super Bowl of Western Civilisation! Hungry Jack! Otto is a Navakavada Buddhist: Navakavada Buddhism videos!!! Help @Pannobhasa_Bhikkhu in his sojourn East of Burma as he Makes Buddhism Great Again: He is a Howitzer of the Dhamma! —————————————————————————————————————————————————————— オレは番号じゃない!オレは自由な男だ!
Singing, guitar and piano playing, songwriting and harmonising, and oh i almost forget learning to see through mainstream bullshit and shinannigans, and searching out best path spiritually sans silly religions :).
Custom art and commissions are available - just ask. Mountain dweller, fine artist, history, philosophy, aesthetic, shitposting memes, self-sufficiency, permaculture, esoteric occult theosophy, mmorpg. Anti-feminist/pro white men, sub-fem, alt-trad, Libertarian Eco-Nationalist, 1A, 2A. KetoAF. Walking-the-walk living debt-free; trying my best to be a decent human being and live an ethical life. ****** Support my other half in his quest to teach redpill masculine dharma: Support our writing and illustration via books: ****** Politics: Pol[y] = many Tic[k]s = blood sucking parasites ~Blackpilled.Libertarianish.Independant.Consitution.Eco-Nationalist~ ****** You'll find here: Original content, Dark humor, heavy sarcasm, satire, and memetic #shitposting Unfollow if you report memes (thanks mom) ****** Ancestry: ~ US; Swiss, English/Irish, Eastern Euro, and Scandinavian heritage in order.~ ****** Music: ~darkwave, post punk, post rock, death metal, black metal, early goth, traditional folk/Americana, classical~ ****** ETH: 0x2b1E17F4049ad8D6596042b0554436Dd1724CF88 Use my referral link and WELCOME to Minds: ****** ~Support Alt Techs that promote 1A~ Purism Privacy Software Dissenter Browser Brave Browser Epik Domains Proton Mail Bitchute Minds Parler Gab II I .
„Von allen großartigen Gefühlen, die die menschliche Brust in dem heißen Drange des Kampfes erfüllen, ist, wir wollen es nur gestehen, keines so mächtig und konstant wie der Seelendurst nach Ruhm und Ehre, den die deutsche Sprache so ungerecht behandelt, indem sie ihn in Ehrgeiz und Ruhmsucht, durch zwei unwürdige Nebenvorstellungen, herabzusetzen strebt. Freilich hat der Mißbrauch dieser stolzen Sehnsucht gerade im Kriege die empörendsten Ungerechtigkeiten gegen das menschliche Geschlecht hervorbringen müssen; aber ihrem Ursprunge nach sind diese Empfindungen gewiß zu den edelsten der menschlichen Natur zu zählen, und im Kriege sind sie der eigentliche Lebenshauch, der dem ungeheuren Körper eine Seele gibt. Alle anderen Gefühle, wieviel allgemeiner sie auch werden können, oder wieviel höher manche auch zu stehen scheinen, Vaterlandsliebe, Ideenfanatismus, Rache, Begeisterung jeder Art, sie machen den Ehrgeiz und die Ruhmbegierde nicht entbehrlich. Jene Gefühle können den ganzen Haufen im allgemeinen erregen und höherstimmen, aber geben dem Führer nicht das Verlangen, mehr zu wollen als die Gefährten, welches ein wesentliches Bedürfnis seiner Stelle ist, wenn er Vorzügliches darin leisten soll; sie machen nicht, wie der Ehrgeiz tut, den einzelnen kriegerischen Akt zum Eigentum des Anführers, welches er dann auf die beste Weise zu nutzen strebt, wo er mit Anstrengung pflügt, mit Sorgfalt sät, um reichlich zu ernten. Diese Bestrebungen aller Anführer aber, von dem höchsten bis zum geringsten, diese Art von Industrie, dieser Wetteifer, dieser Sporn sind es vorzüglich, welche die Wirksamkeit eines Heeres beleben und erfolgreich machen. Und was nun ganz besonders den höchsten betrifft, so fragen wir: hat es je einen großen Feldherrn ohne Ehrgeiz gegeben, oder ist eine solche Erscheinung auch nur denkbar?“ (Carl von Clausewitz, „Vom Kriege“)
Revolutionary Patriot, anti-Zionist, Jew Exposer & Namer. If you look through my posts, you’ll see what I mean. I’m a US Army retiree with several deployments under my belt including Iraq. I’m also a USPS Retiree. I’ve earned two Bachelor Degrees in Business and History-History is my passion, but more precisely, REVISIONIST history. This school takes another, more TRUTHFUL look at WWII, Hitler, and the holo-hoax. I’m a 9/11 & Covid Truth activist, free-breather and anti-vaxer, I’m also anti-New/Jew World Order....Pro Liberty and PRO FREEDOM…I’m also a published-author...we need another 1776 REVOLUTION! NOW! I also HIGHLY recommend these VERY IMPORTANT FILMS: 1) Anatomy of a Great Deception: 2) 2) Adolph Hitler The Greatest Story NEVER Told! A life-changing experience! 3) Europa The Last Battle! 4) The Holocaust is a HollowHoax! Orchestras and plays at Auschwitz? See for yourself: 5) The Secret Masonic Victory of WWII: 6)“Communism By The Back Door:” 7)“9/11/01, The Day Patriotism Was HiJacked” can be found here: 8) Also see this site for little-known Covid information: and here: 9) for timely, IMPORTANT info! Thanks! REVOLUTION! NOW! 10) 11) "Hellstorm." Allied atrocities against innocent Germans, post WWII... 12) “Caesars Messiah” 13)Religion Can You Handle The Truth? 14) My Website:
Logic canine. If I could ban something it would be idiocy. But it's not possible as the bar for what constitutes idiocy would simply shift and new idiocy would surface. Idiocy will be here forever.
Ethno nationalist, NS, fuck the word anti semitism. My goal to expose the parasitic inhuman rulers of the world.
Folkish paganism is on the rise! And this is very exciting times! Norse Heathen, Folkish Pagan. I'm an animal friend, wolf lover & Odin's son from Hedmark, Norway! I'm a redpilled pagan nationalist, rural country dweller, nature lover, lover of bushcraft, outdoors survivalism. Heathen, animistic, practiser of norse paganism, borned and raised in a christian family, but as I grew up I found out that I no longer believed in christianity, the bible and all that is in it. For a while I also used to be an atheist though, but I've found my real norse identity & ancestral heritage. I don't mind if some of you who are following this channel is christians or of another belief than I am, (if you respect me, I respect you the same), but I don't like people trying to push their religion on somebody against their will. I'm a folkright paganist, that means I believe I am entitled to my ancestral heritage, and I believe the same is true for all other peoples in the world. Every peoples in the world have their ethnic ancestral traditions and folk faith. Before monotheistic religions were invented, all of humanity were animistic pagans. Animism is the belief in the divine spiritual forces of nature. It's nothing mystical about that what so ever. Nature exist so it makes sense, I think. If you have another opinion, that's fine, I'm not trying to force my opinion on anybody either. But I will defend my posission if people are attacking my way of belief. I don't like zealots, missionaries and you have no right to tell me I'm gonna burn in hell if I don't believe in Jeebuz! You believe he's the Lord and Savior, but I don't, get over it! Your god was nailed to a cross, my god has a hammer! Odin is to fight and never give up. A tree without it's roots will fall. Pagan wisdom! Our true European roots are not Judeo/Christian or islamic, and therefor I reject abrahamic religions, for my self and I don't recommend it to anyone. But again, everyone is free to figure out for them selves what is the best for yourself. I think I have figured out, this is my path and I will continue my path untill the very end! Hail Odin, Thor and Freya! Hail all norse gods and goddesses!
Unboxable. So far right I bump into folks on the left occasionally. Went to a digital cave to refocus my powers … in the meantime #covid1984 got cured, praise be to Putin, I guess.
Various musings and contemplation on topics of study and interest. History, Mythology, Astrology, Philosophy, Psychology, Herbal Medicines, Art, Divination, and General Silliness. Telegram Channel: Sun Forge with the Refinery Chat Odysee Channel: Regular Appearances on: Weaving Spiders Welcome and Odin's Alchemy Appearances on Common Cents Cult, The Innerverse Podcast, Rising From the Ashes, and False Reality Check,, -- Sharing stories & remedies from a patient-perspective, one who never accepted that being sick was 'normal' ~ Assistance in recovery from Lyme disease, nano-particle & heavy metal poisoning, CFS, & fibro ~ Whether it's physical, mental, or spiritual, well-being comes in many ways, & I explore those ways. How are we affected? How can we overcome? My thanks goes out to the many online and in-person who have helped me in my awakening journey.
Sep 2015
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