Follow us on our journey as we use tiny house living, homesteading, and permaculture to increase our personal freedom and self sufficiency.
"I'm not normal" I want to RED PILL the whole PLANET! Conservative Libertarian for closed borders and free market. Pro: God, West, gun, life, gay, Israel. Anti: Nazi, Racist, antifa, censorship.
I spend all day looking for the best of the best News, MEMEs and Philosophy so you don't have to. Just click Subscribe @john and @ottman both subbed you should too!
"To be angry is to be strong, but to be Calm is to be even Stronger" - ZeTube
Anti-feminist. MRA. Moderate MGTOW. Independent w/ Libertarian inclinations. First generation American. Ethnically Jamaican and Seychellois. Formula 1 fanatic. Imperfect human trying to be better each day.
Permaculture is a way of seeing the world through nature's eyes using the patterns and systems of nature to solve problems and thrive ethically and abundantly.
Matt Powers is an author, plant breeder, musician, educator, gardener, seed saver, and family guy! Learn more at: