
Let's keep Carolina Patriot moving. Drain the swamp and Make America Great Again!! Carolina Patriot is funded solely by contributions made by the liberty loving patriots who love and use it. We are beholden to no political party. No advertisers, no outsiders, no sugar daddies, no corporate string pullers. Definitely no government subsidies or tax breaks. No 501c or other IRS non-profit status. This means no commercial ads. No annoying pop-ups. No ad tracking. No mail campaigns. No spam. No third-parties -- not even the IRS -- trying to control what we do or say. We are self-funded, fiercely independent and enjoy our freedom to speak plainly in the support of God, family, country, liberty!! But we cannot exist without you. Every donation counts no matter how big or small. If you can donate it would be greatly appreciated. Your loyal support makes Carolina Patriot possible
I am an older gentleman now in retirement. I have paid my dues to the thieves in suits and hope that I can survive my remaining years while retaining whatever human(e)ity I have left. I don't take vaccines or meds and have not seen a Doctor in over 20 years and surprise, surprise, I am still very much alive and kicking.
Welcome to my Channel here on MINDS! Please take a look at my Posts and be Sure to REMIND any post that you Like as Others may Like it also! Please subscribe to me Here on MINDS .. Subject matter: Alternative Energy Sources, Military Veterans, ChemTrails, UFO's, Vaccines, 322 Skull and Bones, OBE's, NDE's, Ghosts, Fluoride, conspiracies, JFK Assassination, Bigfoot, Art Bell, News Events, Strange Things, Historic Tours and much much MORE! #chemtrails #chemtrailsmn #geoengineering #conspiracy #JFK #UFO #ETB #fluoride #ArtBell #news #topchannel #tesla #nikolatesla #freeeenergy #news #politics #maga #kek #pepe #meme #memes #minds #mindspro #all #everyone @everyone @all *****
Random anon lurker
Cult expert and investigator, cult leader...depends who you ask.
#ALL I enjoy all things beautiful. With that said, there is way too much strife, turmoil, bad news, etc. in the world these days, therefore, instead of dwelling on those things all the time, take a few minutes each day to gaze upon the beauty of women to briefly take your minds - no pun intended - off these things for a little while. If you enjoy these pictures consider subscribing to see more daily.
Ceann Craicinn Nadsaidheach. Albannach grΓ in-cinnidh Airianach le bΓ laichean geal mΓ²ra (agus coileach geal beag). FΓ¬or-ghlan, Geal agus Marbhtach. Trodaiche moncaidh le teisteanas agus sgriosadair faighne. 14卐88 β„‘Μ΄Μ”Μ’ΝŽΜΌΜπ”±Μ΅Ν˜ΝŠΜ‘Μ‘Μ™π”₯ΜΈΜΎΝƒΝ‹ΜŸΝ–Μ π”’ΜΈΝƒΝ’Ν›Ν•ΜŸΜπ”žΜΈΝ‘ΝΝ†ΜΜΊΜ»π”‘ΜΈΝ„Μ½ΜΝΝ–ΜΌπ”žΜ΅Μ½Ν›Μ•ΜΝšΝ™π”¦Μ΅Ν‘Μ“ΝŒΝ–ΜŸΝŽπ”―ΜΈΝΜ”Ν„ΜΌΜͺΝ‰β„­Μ΄Ν‘ΝƒΝ‹ΜΌΝ‰Νœπ”¬ΜΈΝ˜Μ½Μ”Μ‘Ν‡Νœπ”¦Μ΄ΝΝ Μ”ΜžΝšΜžπ”©Μ΄ΝΝ˜Μ½ΜͺΜ’Νπ”’ΜΈΜ’ΜΜ™Ν‰π”žΜ΅Ν„ΜΏΜͺΜ˜Μπ” ΜΈΝŒΜ”Ν„Ν“ΜžΝ•π”₯Μ΅ΝΝ„Μ»Μ‘π”‡Μ΅Μ“Ν‹Ν˜Ν•Νπ”²ΜΈΜ•ΜΏΜšΜ»ΜžΜ«π”ŸΜ΅Μ“Μ•ΜŸΜΊΝšπ”₯Μ΅ΝŒΝ‘Ν‹ΜΊΝ”
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"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." - George Orwell "That is why the Athenian law maker Solon decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy, and that is why our press was protected by the First Amendment. The only business in America specifically protected by the constitution, not primarily to amuse and entertain, not to emphasize the trivial and the sentimental, not to simply give the public what it wants, but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crises, and our choices, to lead, mold, educate, and sometimes even anger, public opinion." -- JFK
Oct 2017
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