
#freedom #privacy #liberty #freespeech #independence #individualfreedom #personalresponsibility Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? -- ***************************** #history #anthropology #prehistory #ancienthistory #archaeology #science #knowledge #gnosis #curious Random Thought Provocateur - - Quotes to inspire: Si vis pacem, para bellum. Nemo vir est qui mundum non reddat meliorem. The ripples from the smallest pebble will reach every shore.
To expose the corruption on September 11, 2001. It is worse than you can imagine.
Fantasy Crow is a sci-fi/fantasy trilogy by Keith Croes, available at Patreon at
I find cool pieces of artwork from the internet and post them here. I did not produce these. #Art #Aesthetic #Psychedelic #DigitalArt
Shall I give them religion? . . . If I could allow myself a sarcastic and cynical moment: There is much research done for these writings and many excerpts are taken secondary to the primary essay or book. I am putting this together not to create an ethos for myself but rather as a discovery. I have seen the community colleges and university educational system in play and I can do better, much better. If you want to use any of this material just ask and I will provide comprehensive source material and citations-everything here is legit and at the highest level of scholarship. So, no reason to criticize what you may see as plagiarism when I am openly admitting my 'form',...which is basically a standard university essay form--materially rephrasing others' work, correct? That is what we call school in America now, I think... Thanks. If it seems I don't know much about the internet it is because I don't normally stare at screens. I stare at journals and books with paper and pen nearby. 2, 2, 3, 2, 3 No links are posted for vids because it is aesthetically displeasing. I'm sure you can find them yourself.
#KingWolf ______________________________________ (Read till Bottom) To put it simply Ive gotten tired of waiting for someone to save us and if this world wont act then ill do it myself. With my own 2 hands i wish to create the change i believe we need in the world to provide a real future full of possibilities. ______________________________________ Sign petition: (In Link Below) Signing this petition wont solve the problems right away however I'm saying ill do what needs to be done if you're tired of the way our world leaders treat the very home we all share then let me help. Would you like to buy me a coffee? (ENERGY) ______________________________________ (Donation Link Below) ______________________________________ Merchandise Link Below ______________________________________ 10% of everything i make goes towards my goal of creating a free education platform to replace the way this world learns. This education platform will be ran by and owned by the people. ______________________________________
Even Google can’t find the fucks I give...
Archaeologist, History Geek, Lover of all things cutty, pointy and shooty.
Aug 2016
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