
"Christina Engela is a South African editor and author of horror, fantasy and science fiction novels. Her books are never short of suspense, adventure and humor, while her colorful characters and thought-provoking settings take readers into another world, making her one of the most gifted and creative storytellers. A firm supporter of the LGBT community, Christina believes that Sexual and Gender Minority characters aren’t reflected enough by authors due to a number of reasons. As such, Christina's writing isn’t stereotypical, and her characters aren’t stereotypes, regardless of their sexuality or gender." -, June 21, 2021. You can find out more on
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Primarily science fiction art of all types, but will also cross over into fantasy, horror and surreal themes. All art is credited to their creators. Note: names for east Asian artists (Chinese, Korean, Japanese, etc.) will be written as it is in their own country: last name first name. Artists with east Asian names but from the west will be written as standard: first name last name. #ScienceFiction #SciencFictionArt #SciFi #SciFiArt #Cyberpunk #CyberpunkArt #Art #Fantasy #FantasyArt #Horror #HorrorArt #Comics #ComicArt #Surrealism #SurrealArt It takes a good amount of effort and time in accurately crediting the artwork and providing its provenance. That is, whether the piece was published as a cover, interior or editorial illustration for a book or magazine, or perhaps as poster art, or something other. In some cases, extra context is provided based on the subject or history of the piece. If you appreciate the effort and enjoy the variety of art posted, you can always show your support through token donations. For posts relating to literature, music, film, mainstream and fine art, and other miscellanea, subscribe to this channel: If you want to discuss science fiction literature, then join this group:
Dark Lady Marketing specializes in online and social media marketing. WHAT WE DO: DarkLady Marketing specializes in internet and social media marketing for individuals, small businesses, bloggers, authors, cake decorators, upholstery cleaners, magazine contributors, candle makers, events management companies, jewelry sellers, cleaning services, lodges and accommodation, repair shops, home crafters, boot sales, restaurants and pubs, other marketing companies – and YOU! Follow DarkLady Marketing on Twitter @fireraven86 Follow DarkLady Marketing on @KayValkir Follow DarkLady Marketing on Facebook @darkladymarketing Follow DarkLady Marketing on Pintrest WHAT YOU GET: For just R150 per month, DarkLady Marketing will promote your brand/product/website/blog or social media page or group – or all of the above – for an entire working day (Monday to Friday) INcluding public holidays permanently on our website and also all day (on contracted days) via Facebook,, Twitter, Pintrest – and more to follow! Each client will also get a post on this website giving details of their brand/product/website/blog or social media page or group as advertised by DarkLady Marketing. At the completion of each contracted (paid) monthly session, clients will receive statistical reports on how their social media page following or group membership has increased during that period. Contracts and renewals are accepted on a month-to-month basis. Each client will get to book a day per week for that entire month, with the choice of day depending on available slots. Follow DarkLady Marketing on Twitter @fireraven86 Follow DarkLady Marketing on @KayValkir Follow DarkLady Marketing on Facebook @darkladymarketing Follow DarkLady Marketing on Pintrest
Devoted Father. Philosophical Geek. Code Monkey. Designer & Creator.
Amy Mah author, blogger, and world famous Vampire
Port Elizabeth
Nov 2015
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