
Deus ex Angelus
Maker of things without any particular purposes, other than them wanting to be done!
Truth Seeker, Free Thinker, Nonconformist, Carpenter I love my wife @julieanna354 and my kids, and I question EVERYTHING! Ive been called many things standing up for or against what i believe to be right or wrong but at the end of the day i sleep fucking great. I've done my own research. Do not ask me to change your mind or try and explain why I've reached my conclusion. Sad i have to say this but i find pedophilia fucking disgusting and yes if i see it i will report it. Cartoons do count. I am all for freedom of speech but free speech does not include - anything to do with sexualizing children I dont find humor in racist comments or remarks. If you cant see past skin color you are still blindly following what THEY want. People make their own decisions and need to then take responsibility for said decisions.
Just another human laughing at Global events, politics and SJWs. Have YouTube where I focus on news "stories" and episodes on specific SJW (Social Justice Warrior) attacks and proselytizing. I am not a beautiful and unique snowflake. I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.
It's a dog-eat-dog world, and from where I sit, there just ain't enough damn dogs!
Feb 2017
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