Vu Quang Tin
Mong muốn thế giới tốt đẹp hơn không còn chiến tranh và thù hận. lòng nhân ái và tình yêu ở khắp mọi nơi. hãy chung tay làm cho thế giới tốt đẹp nhất có thể.
Cryptocurrencys, shares and forex studys.
Cfd, futures and options tutorial.
Technical analysis and market sentiment.
Bitcoin and criptos news.
Politics and economy news
Economy conspiracy
Personal opinions.
Feel free to ask anything.
I am a biomedical scientist and content creator who is open to learning and loves to explore. A simple girl passionate about a multitude of seemingly unconnected things.
Possible Comedian.
If you are not following me you are not being entertained.
Twisted Content poster social media sites beg to have on there platform.
Save The Banana Republic!
Do Nothing!
Trust The Banana Republic Plan!
It is all under control as long as your sit on your ass.