RV'er, Astrophotographer, Shooter, Welder, Wrencher, Drone Pilot, 3D Printer, Reloader, Biker, Bike Wrencher, Rock Picker, Fisherman, Hunter, R/C Cars, Meat Smoker, Boomer. Conservative Libertarian,,, Sort of.
Always choose Dangerous Liberty over Peaceful Slavery.
Anything posted on this page is not necessarily the opinion or belief of the owner (me).
(_8(o) Dohhh!
Myths are our History.
The Universe is Electric.
The Sun controls our Atmosphere.
Velikovsky was Right.
Do your Research,,,,,,
The Second Amendment was created to also protect all the other Amendments, primarily the right to FREE SPEECH...
Man Cannot live on Mars, The Solar and Galactic radiation will damage his chromosomes and prevent red blood cells from producing. He. Will. Die..
Dark Matter, Dark Energy and Black Holes do not exist, they are things made up by man to make their math work. It's their Philosophy, their Religion.
Get OFF my LAWN,,,,,,,,, Unless You Buy me a Beer;
P.S. Reminding Is Best.
Be A Re-Minder
#Aristotle against #Plato is the Super Bowl of Western Civilisation!
Hungry Jack!
Otto is a Navakavada Buddhist:
Navakavada Buddhism videos!!!
Help @Pannobhasa_Bhikkhu in his sojourn East of Burma as he Makes Buddhism Great Again: He is a Howitzer of the Dhamma!
Frens, any financial help you can spare in these parlous times is greatly appreciated!
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