after repeated bullying and harassment of my previous social media accounts resulting in censorship and stress.
I present to you my only social media presence on the internet for neptunia Ecchi-ness
Cute neps! LEWD neps! Nep news and Possible Nep Merch showoff
you can be assured, this page is going to have a tonne of Neps
(lets face it, Neptunia characters are the best waifus in existence and I am going to show them off)
On this channel I will try to highlight the best places on the internet to acquire cryptocurrencies, either by chance or for time investment. Occasionally, I will post and promote personally selected and tried casinos or gambling games that don't offer free chances and require an actual deposit.
All sites that do not require any deposits or payments in order to have a chance or a guarantee on an amount will be tagged with "#FREE".
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