
💜 Beauty lies more within actions than appearance. The meaning of life is to find meaning in life. Soul and sapiosexual. I'm authentic, all natural, all real, no fake body parts, or multi-faced tendencies. I can't stand liars & false pretenses. I appreciate meaningful conversation, similar likes & appreciate being enlightened. I want to meet people worth knowing, creative minds, & create lasting bonds. Seeking all activists, shifters, movement, and awakened, especially ANONYMOUS. 💜 http://stop5gflorida.com/images/5GNew.mov https://www.instagram.com/p/BvsRTgRgmma/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=1dibrwedxihlz Main Pages: @transcendtowers - @stop5gflorida Associated Partners: @cris.myers @plantbasedconsultant @atomwarlok @realstevegrant @jharveywrc @bs4flgov @stop5ghawaii @stop_5g_germany @stop5gflorida @stop5gtexas @stop5g @stop5goregon @stop5gnow @stop5gpuertorico @stop5gpennsylvania @stop5gsaintlouis @stop5gwashington @stop5gchicago @stop5gnewmexico @stop5gmaryland @stop5ginlandempire @stop5g_ @stop_5g_now @vegantake0ver @foundconscious @the.cell.tower.project #5g #stop5g #anti5g #dangersof5g #warningsof5g #cancer #deathtowers #gwentowers #dew #harrp #directenergyweapon #directenergyweapons #alternativehealing 💜💜💜 Thank you to all helping to spread awareness of the dangers of 5G. 💜💜💜
Your Organic Life Just Got A Whole Lot Easier! We are a global search and location website and app for organic consumers. If it’s organic…We map it. Map your organic business now! https://www.organicmapper.com
I am an Experienced Explorer of many dimensions and a vagabond artist inspired to activate others through my images and performance art. I am on a dedicated path of spiritual and interpersonal upliftment and enrichment focused on universal healing and ascension. My passion is to create and share my perspective of the infinite self with her human family and to learn from all the reflections I see in the eyes of other beings. http://www.tribeofawakeningsovereignty.com/
👤 Holistic Dad - 👽 Truth Seeker - 🌐 Global Motivator
Closed Mod Channel for compiling and organizing ideas, changes, and bug reports for further investigation and user contribution. Send a message, leave a comment, or tag this account anywhere you deem necessary. :) My daddy is @govspiders , go show some love and get involved in the project!
Oct 2015
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