Wereman v1.2.2

You might help me answer some questions. Let's try for focused answers. Self appointed authorities disappoint. The occasional happy coincidence is very welcome.
Netizen with an interest in current events. Not the droid you're looking for. Se habla español ocasionalmente. Currently getting my masters in "Dad Jokeology"
A live show using rationality, reason, humor, philosophy and reasonable conversation in an attempt to make the world more pleasant for all of us involved in it. Broadcasts live every Saturday morning from 9:30-11AM PST on Dlive, Twitch, and Periscope! (Prior shows available on Bitchute and on Soundcloud and iTunes (in audio podcast format). (Links below!) "Don't take no shit off of nobody." -Yul Brenner, Cool Runnings Wesbsite:: https://reasonable.tv Dlive: https://www.dlive.io/@craigmason Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/craigmason/ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/craigmasonstream iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/craig-masons-reasonable-conversation-podcast/id1369619404 Steemit: https://steemit.com/@craigmason Twitter: https://twitter.com/oldcraig Gab: https://gab.ai/craigmason
Truth telling from Down Under!
10 Moderately Interesting Things About Me:  1) YOUTUBE: I have a variety channel, "Matt Wayne", where I talk about business, fitness, self development, culture and travel.  2) LEARNING RUSSIAN: It started as a novelty, but almost 2 years in, I'm committed to becoming fluent.  3) 40+ COUNTRIES: I've been all over, from Malaysia, to Colombia, to Bulgaria, to Kazakhstan, to Finland and a bunch more.  4) BUSINESS: We find people with transformational & world changing ideas and then use our marketing skillz to promote those ideas.  5) MOVEMENT: I had awful muscle pain for over a decade until I found the YouTube channel 'Vahva Fitness'. Now I'm learning his fitness principles and I hope eventually I can do some pretty sick things.  6) MMA: I've always wanted to learn MMA, but I haven't started yet. I've almost healed some horrible injuries, so I imagine I can start soon. 7) TRUMP: As a libertarian, I am totally into Trump. I see him as one of of the smartest, most authentic people to have ever lived. Nothing better than watching him drain the swamp. 8) WOMEN: My favorite trait is intelligence. Dumb girls always seem to hate me, and that's totally fine. 9) MEN: I feel the best trait a man can possess is the passion-grit-dedication-ambition complex. A man without this is barely a man in my eyes. I hope I can help more men to discover this trait in themselves. 10) MONEY: I want to earn a shitload of money so that when I desire to make changes in the world, I have the power to make them happen.
I dunno man, I'm just a normal, half edgy, pothead that makes shitty Youtube videos about other people videos because hes too stupid to make original content. I like books,history, weed and science, talk to me about books,history, weed and science. Please pay attention to me.
Video commentary... politics, left-hating centrist, very much opposed to feminism, gay, sounds like a 14 year old drag queen (but is in my mid-30s).
One Man... One Mission... 437 personalities! I desperately attempt to contain all of my personalities in one body using leather. Whenever I'm let out of my box, I explore the world & share it all HERE!!! Life is very interesting to say the least...
Nov 2016
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