The Data Visualisation Catalogue: A library of different information visualisation methods.
News related to #dataviz, #infographic, #design and #tech
Think you're an accomplished shaman? Check out the source code on reality, and see if you can handle it.
Inin nemilizpohualiztli ca yancuic pohualiztli in huelquizaliztli in achtotlaca ihuan achtocihuatl intlacatiliz
ipan Inic Macuilli Tonatiuh, Nahui Ollin, tocahui. Inin nemiliz pohua in totatah, tonanah inpehualiz,
nican, Anahuac.
I tired more than once to tell you, to communicate what I know. You did not or could not listen. You can not show to anyone what she has not seen.
It's time to pull the cosmic trigger...
ETH: 0xeE9f5aB4faeCBe30012f675Bb938031BC51bB49B
Sharing my vision of the Web 3.0 landscape and how we can successfully navigate the digital transformation of AI & blockchain as the host of Tech & Things. - all my social channels and latest posts can be found here
データコード 〔Dētakōdo〕 - DATACODE -
Analog and Digital techniques for an extensive research in sound design.
データコード tells of abstract ambient soundscapes and non-linear composition generative process, surrounded by residual datas,randomly memory allocations, transmission problems, video signals,h/v sync, interferences,glitch and no-input noise through contemporary and avant-garde experimental music