David Bolha

Cheers, I'm a tech enthusiast, failed artist, a starting musician, general skeptic, connoisseur of many trades, an occasional hacker, etc. šŸ¤” https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnnyXZnRvPkFu6UfCUAKSNg I do/can accept PayPal donations for my "work", if you wish to donate some amount. Private message me & we'll sort out the details. Thanks ! šŸ˜Š BitCoin Address: 3C19HgNP4ADvySv4Q9hred8JuTS8tyDddK Etherum (ERC-20 Token) OnChain Receiver Address: 0x826d6c24761ef8cac76e909f8a5fa3ee27cafc6d All of my posts organized (archived) under my very own created categories: https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/844368682961682432 (currently a work in progress)
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