Positivity #1

https://steemit.com/@chrissysworld Hobby photographer with a passion for birds of prey. With more than 100.000 original photos we want to enchant you. Have fun and enjoy the pictures. I would be very happy about votes and followers. Greetings your Chrissy ♡ (Animal Photographers) https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/905835517871800320 (Macro Photographers) https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/904773199726280704 #animalphotographers #animalphotography #macrophotographers #marcophotograpy
i think I might know the reason why people, even those who think we live in some kind of matrix(and i think those people are onto something), always feel so disconnected. It`s because, people believe they are in the machine. They think they are this thing which is so separate from the machine that they themselves feel alienated. They feel like a lonely island atop a vast, infinite ocean that separates every individual entity, when in reality, they are actually that which connects the island and the ocean. They are the part of the machine that works because of the inner workings of the machine. You are not the part of the machine that makes it function but rather the functioning of the machine. Our consciousness, is not the river that is flowing, but rather the flowing of the river. We are the apertures of light through which the true state, the true innate, raw, meaningless dark data of the universe, can be put to use and turned into something of substance. We are the apertures of light that shine through the darkness of the functioning of the machine. In short, we are not just the consciousness of our own bodies, but the consciousness of the Universe itself.
AUTHOR: The Essential Guide to Confidence https://www.amazon.com/dp/1521350124 & Managing The Diversity Maze https://www.amazon.com/dp/1720027129 #All ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IF YOU ARE A NEWBIE to MINDS you should find this very useful. https://www.minds.com/blog/view/742327794419113984 JOIN THE POSITIVE PEOPLE GROUP https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/739776485623078912/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you find my posts helpful and informative, you can support them through TOKEN wires (see the VIP list of donors below), or PAYPAL donations, here: https://www.paypal.me/ElaineSihera It really helps the creativity and motivation!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH! :o) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Opinionated British writer, speaker, sociologist, Cambridge postgraduate, and Open University doctor, who enjoys positive people and life in all its amazing forms. LOVES laughing a lot, celebrating diversity, and empowering others to increase their aspirations, activities, expectations, and social interaction. DISLIKES: Injustice, negativity, ageism, sexism, racism, and any other awful ism, because they all share one major factor: low self-esteem and a naked FEAR of difference. #motivation #socialinteraction #diversity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PLEASE NOTE: I believe in mutual respect, and prefer politeness and civility, even if we disagree. Anyone who cannot reciprocate that basic requirement will be blocked. I do NOT subscribe to negative or hate-filled, sexist/racist posts posing as 'free speech', that do nothing to enhance my life. As Oprah Winfrey once said: "Surround yourself with people who uplift you. Everyone else will drag you down." I live my life by it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TOKENS DONATION Tokens help to BOOST popular posts to a wider audience. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This Channel's VIP Supporters (5 TOKENS, or more) @Shannon222 @Bernie4 @TOPI_Wolf @LMCD @skydog @MinnieApolis @SkylerBearGunn @John @TOMBEEGEE @GemDigger @pinn @ottman @pwaldrop @Tanawatee @Gorfski @JohnMcKenzie @goldpointe @TheronH @lolatthat @TRACYARTHURKING @LaRevolutionEstEnMarche @Robin6 @FatherGuido @VerbalBarb @Silvino @twodogs29 @Twido @Qomplainerz @Saboin @huy_guitar108 @Par4thecourse @aboniks @Wishful_Thinkin @LynneParker @scottychams @scottcbusiness @Lebowsky @Thyers @ladyhug @nguyenanhtu @Chrischel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $ PATRONS Dollars (or £s) enhance efforts and quality of life. Your support is warmly welcomed. :o) @Peggy2 (very first donation: THANK YOU!)
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#LetsGetTheseTokensGuys! #HelpYourFellowMinds #Share #Subscribe #Comment #Remind Women are naturally beautiful and we are here to show and appreciate the beauty of the woman. All women deserve love, respect, honor and equal opportunity in life. On this page @LovelyWomen are photos of beautiful women from around the world. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE, REMIND AND DONATE TOKENS.
Independent journalist
I'm living an inspired life expressing myself through my art...awake & aware during these troubled times.....may we all live our truth and offer support to one another to live and let live as we each see fit. xo
Daydreams for the fellas This page hosts adult content. I also re-mind content created by others not intended for minor viewing. If you are under age 18, please find something worthwhile to do with your time: exercise, read self-help books, study. Be alpha!! This content is not for you. I have been dabbling in various forms of erotica for a long time. It started with drawing lewds, then I started to try to tell the stories that I felt I would have liked to illustrate. On my interests: ❌ flat chests ❌ men ✅ Women ✅ Big boobs ✅ Cummies ✅ Impregnation ✅ Girl on girl ✅ Girls with oversized sex toys ✅ Cum inflation ❌ Stories which vilify men 📉 Stories which glorify promiscuity 📉 Tentacles 📈 Free speech There is a lot out there, but this smut is mine. Really, it is. All stories here are copyrighted by me. All rights reserved. Feel free to re-mind (it is very much welcomed) but if you decide to copy-paste elsewhere please provide attribution. Disclaimers: You never know what you’re gonna get. You will probably see a typo here and there. #dealwithit Please review the hashtags to see if the story is right for you. Some kinks may not be your thing. If the story is based on real events, the names and places have been changed to protect the identity of those involved. Thank you for visiting. I sometimes use this account to explore fashy content. Sorry if I’m a degenerate. I’ll change someday. ————— #erotica #adult #literotica #sex #eroticstories
Jan 2018
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