
Spiritual and Consciousness Evolution
"Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." (1 Thessalonians 5:21, KJV). "The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going." (Proverbs 14:15, KJV). I am interested in exploring various different viewpoints in science. "Exploring viewpoints Controversies of Science, little-known information, and more" Disclaimer: This page is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace medical advice. No claims as to the completeness or accuracy of the information presented are made. Under no circumstances shall the owner of this page be liable and/or responsible to any person or entity for any action taken on the basis of the information presented on this page.
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52 Male San Francisco
Passing through time and space as I Coagulate, vibrations molecules from ideas and energy - music - video - art - liberation
"I" accept not knowing what "I" am. Total intellectual honesty. Solace in Science! I've replaced religion with tangible scientific understanding. Don't believe it? Think it's a bold claim? Watch all my content and arrive at scientific enlightenment. Anti-Identity. Anti-fake. Anti-honeydicker. Anti-spiritual. Anti-religious. Anti-Political. Stop pretending! Your labels just means you're delusional. Becoming a fascist more and more by the moment as I grow up and realize the majority are a near total liability, sadly. On the side of this; the rare forms that are capable of expressing the complex or valuable theories & are proficient with analysis, do not need to be regulated & you couldn't even if you wanted to; so they are, by default, excluded from whatever necessary fascist modalities that are implemented to limit negligence. The majority should not be trying to impose their will onto the intelligent but rather asking them how they should be living their lives. The majorities value systems are asinine & a perfect example of the failure to separate church & state. I don't do debate. Find someone else to be your intellectual sparring partner. I do appreciate people with specialized knowledge and enjoy being wrong. Let's take steps towards more accurate understandings. That is progress. My theme music was composed by nightshader1 @ youtube (Castlevania Symphony of the Night piano covers that are epic as well as much more)
Bayesian Scientific Skeptic / Sceptic, Atheist, Humanist, Critical Thinking, Science & Technology, Science-based Medicine (retired Neurologist), Internet Triangulator and Sarcastic Curmudgeon from the Baby Boomer Generation. For the record: Follow me on Google Plus: Personal Profile: John R. Ellis G+ Business / Brand Pages: Reverend John Dr.John R. Ellis, M.D. Sleepy Hollow Honey and Herbs Friend me on Facebook: Friend me on Discord: John R. Ellis#0536 Invite me on MeWe: Subscribe me on Minds: Join (or Create) your Nextdoor Neighbors hyperlocal private social media group - Invite Code for your local Nextdoor neighborhood - (USA, NL, UK only): Follow "drjohnellis" on Instagram: Email me at: [email protected] Hobbies/Interests: Beekeeping Homebrew Gardening CBS Survivor fan MMA fan Reality-based Medicine Psychology Neurology Medicine Engineering Ordained Atheist Minister in ULC Irreligiosophy Skunk Dick & PhD Pope of Atheism Minus Anti-theist ProChoice ProGun ProGMO ProVaccine Proud Glober AntiCensorship You can't reason with delusion. Not to mention apophasis - my favorite paralipsis. A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds. Trust no one. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. All Skeptics are Atheists. Not all Atheists are Skeptics. Be Skeptical. You are entitled to your own opinions, but not to your own (made up) facts. Facebook is about Friends and Family. Twitter is about Events. Nextdoor is about Neighbors. Discord is about Gaming and multiple chat channels. Google+ is about Topics and Information. Minds and Emenator are about Freedom of Expression without censorship. Cheers!
Computer Scientist 💻Young Entrepreneur. 🌐 Love doing charity. 💙 🔹Social Media Blogger & Marketer at some Paying Social Sites like Minds.
Progressive/Green News and Views
Music in video games are often taken for granted, but some of the best music I got the pleasure to hear comes from just that! from video games! This channel is dedicated to show you the best music that video games got to offer, sit back and relax, and enjoy the ride :) I'm making music mixes of games that have very good music. Both old & new games, also many different styles of music and types of games. Official Minds account for GameMusicHallberg You can also find me on YouTube. Soundcloud BitTube BitChute Twitter Steemit Enjoy the music!
Dec 2017
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