
As an individual whom has been an intuitive and empath for my entire life, I have experienced many paths within this one lifetime. During my search for meaning and gnosis, I have researched just about every topic out there. My quest for meaning has guided me to learn and live the ways of my ancestors the Anishinaabe People. As an Anishinaabe Shaman, many learning opportunities are provided to us from just being the observer, learning to live in a sustainable and holistic way, to Mashkiki (Strength of the Earth Medicine). My journey has been filled with so many amazing and unexplained experiences, but not without many trials.. My background is very extensive in both the Business Sector and in Holistic living and Shamanic modalities. My intent is to be a guiding light to my fellow Brothers and Sisters of the Divine Creation. Consultations can be scheduled on a 30 mins to 60 mins session and can be scheduled at this link.. During our session we will discuss and develop an approach that will bring forth positive change and raise your vibration into the higher vibratory states of awareness thru our connection to Mashkiki. The Ancestors have taught me that "All of Creation has a song to sing, a story to tell, and a truth to reveal."
Sacred Soul/ Hermetic / Spirit Channel / Energy./ Alchemy /Theosophy / Astrology The Superior person works quietly and does not seek acclaim. A good leader does not boast of victories but moves steadily forward with confidence I will not play mommy to the keyboard warriors. 😉 I have no time to battle egos and small #minds. ♾ I do not communicate through the Minds messenger.♾ Grand Trine in Fire/ Strength 8/ Aries Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Libra Rising./ Ace Spade / INFJ Granddaughter of a Master Mason of the Scottish Rite. △ A Visionary lured to tune Into the unseen. Through symbolism everywhere! 777- 🌙 I conduct Personal Readings and work one on one with clients to understand themselves and to expand. IG @ The_Wicked_Light
Hey Everyone! I am from Viet Nam! Please subscribe to me! I will subscribe to you. I will tell you about Vietnam ! Thanks!
I am an enigma. A contradiction in terms. I am two extremes who've met in the middle, and split apart. I am the calm before my storm. I am my own best friend, and my own worst enemy. I am my own healer, and also my own personal hell. Only I can make me, or break me. I am the wizened crone, in the mind of the maiden. I am a brilliant star in a dark universe. I am a comedian in a world that hates to laugh. I am the caring nurse that forgets self care. I am the prophet who sees the future in the past. I am the voice of words already spoken. I am the poet of things yet thought. I smile through tears.. I cry with joy. I fix all the others while falling apart. I am everything no one else is, was, or ever will be. Wore out and broken, but built better every day. I am the student teacher..I am here to learn what I already know and teach what I'm learning. I am an enigma. But then, so are you.
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I am an inventor, author, blogger, Dream interpreter, researcher, teacher and most of all student of all things. I am a proud introvert, and often too edgy. I've been accused of being stupid, but never being closed minded; I always try to learn something new every day and like a true explorer I always share the most fascinating things I discover, everything I post will likely make you do a double-take if it doesn't just blow your mind, I focus my research on the subconscious mind to explore the deeper components to life.... click subscribe and let's go on an adventure together. I focus my posts on the most interesting and fascinating facts and misconceptions we have in society. My goal is to learn and share something new and interesting every day.
Supporting independent and alternative journals in the quest for truth in media
hula hoops, silk fans, flow wands, bull whips, circus anything, documentaries, view master, music, parks, photography, art, history, health, nutrition, europe, miniature trains, gardening, farming, painting, food, beach, hiking, travel, sponge diving, Thanks so much for supporting my channel! I'm glad to be your friend here on this awesome platform! Search where you will..for the meaning to life...for truth...ultimately, you'll find it in the JESUS of the new testament. John 14:6 HERE ARE A FEW GREAT MINISTRIES ⏬️ Curry Blake (healing) Andrew Wommack (healing) Joseph Prince
May 2018
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