
I'm a proud American, I love my country. As a kid I would see on tv people in 3rd world countries and I knew that I was blessed by God to have been born an American. The freedom and liberty that we have is a blessing from God. I have always been proud of being an American, and instinctively knew that this was a great country and that this is the freest country that God ever gave to man. This is the reason why I proudly served my country honorably for 10.5 years in the Army. I served in the Military Police, as a mechanic and finally in the Airborne Infantry. I grew up in poverty, I was raised by a single mother trying to raise us kids working multiple jobs as a waitress with only a sixth grade education, so for me dropping out of school was never an option. My family has a history of military service and relatives in law enforcement. I've been a conservative for as long as I could remember. While in the military I earned a degree in automotive technology, a degree in business with a minor in psychology. I intended to serve for twenty years then retire and then go into law enforcement. However I was injured in the line of duty, breaking my back in two places and a major head injury leaving me with memory loss issues, then forced out of the Army on medical discharge. My wife and I had to start our own business in order for me to be able to work for a living, since nobody wants to hire a disabled veteran with a back injury. I have a serious disliking of liberals and globalist on either side of the isle. I am so very pleased with President Trump is doing for our nation, and Melania Trump is a very graceful First Lady. I'm a very opinionated and outspoken person. I believe that marriage is between one man and one woman, and homosexuality is evil and an abomination upon the Holy Spirit as it's stated in the book of Genesis. Global warming/Climate change is a hoax perpetrated against the people to scare us into surrendering our freedom and liberty and accept global communism, the new world order. I am not a one issue voter, I'm all for all of our constitutional rights, I'm intentionally politically incorrect. I am an NRA member, I own a AR15 and I never leave my home without my 45 pistol which I carry openly or concealed. I'm proud of my fellow bothers and sisters in arms in our military and our various law enforcement, firefighters whom I have many friends. I wish every single American the most success, happiness and hope that they get to know and love God. I believe that liberals are in their very nature are liars, hypocrites, fools, and basically evil. I am for border security to include a wall on the southern border and deporting of illegal aliens, I have nothing against immigrants they just have to come here legally. I believe Islam is an evil religion akin to a cult, it’s a religion of hatred death and destruction. I stand with Israel and all of its people so if you are an anti-Semite don’t waste your time I’ll only block you and the same goes for racist of any stripe.
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Dec 2018
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