  • flight_takeoff

Life's a game, you just have decide to play it.
I represent myself. I represent mankind. I represent life. I am Anonymous.
Independent journalist
I am a professional spray painter that worked for Cessna Aircraft in Wichita, Kansas from 1980-1986 was laid off and went to work for Boeing in April 1986 which is now called SpiritAerosystems in Wichita,Kansas. I am currently employed there and have 39 years of aircraft experience. I seek no fame or fortune, I’m just the average guy that’s trying to make an honest living and provide for my family.
This channel is dedicated to watching out for our environment. An environment (biophysical) is the physical and biological factors along with their chemical interactions that affect an organism or a group of organisms. An environment (systems) refers to the surroundings of a physical system that may interact with the system by exchanging mass, energy, or other properties.
"Watson is a brilliant polemicist." The Spectator.
"i" It Only Takes "1"... Thought To Create An Idea, To Enlighten 1 Person, To Start A Movement, That Will Free Mankind! & It Only Takes One Free Gesture Of Kindness, To Free A Victim, That Gets Enlightened & Becomes A Victor For Victims!
  • flight_takeoff
Jun 2015
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