Rule: Em is me and Em is you. Em is no one and everyone. Em is our emotions and our inner-selves..... This page is meant to be an outlet to share and heal; through self-exploration and self-expression, "Em," seeks to develop a greater self-awareness, learn healthy habit forming techniques and a way to express powerful feelings of hurt in a healthy way through various forms of art. Ideally, Em will provide a balance of past and present, fear and excitement, sadness and joy and the yin and yang of daily life. Articles will include: -Free expression of learning and teaching techniques using meditation, art, photography and whatever little things that pique Em's interests. -Learning better habits, having fun being curious, exploring art, design and even technology. Note to subscribers: Em is me and Em is YOU. Em is a platform for you, as a subscriber, to express yourself through art, literature, song or even a poem. Em is your safe haven where you can express the real you under the universal pseudonym "Em." Please be kind with your words...