Always question the presented reality.....
All speech is #Freespeech hate speech is not real, and invalid. Arguments based on emotion and not logic are fallacies. I wrote the book on fallacies, literally.
Editor and Author: Open Court Publishing
Writer for American Thinker
Retired expat living in Ecuador on the beach. I enjoy sunshine, sport fishing, carpentry and simple life on the beach. Ron Paul made me a Libertarian, the scamdemic made me an Anarchist. I am very much anti-government and read and post articles that are worth reading, photos of beach life and surf fishing from my life. To send Pirate chain ARRR zs1zshztreqzp4yltefqw7lnnv73rg4v56nt28l8umnf5sps72jmayd4ud44hstusn7r4866dsyu32