
Shitposter, austrolibertarian
I'm an Irish American who is getting sick and tired of the Left-Wing Liberal/Progressive PC culture that has infiltrated every form of academia, entertainment, and other platforms. I'm a Libertarian, a Capitalist, an Individualist, an Anti-SJW, and I support the U.S. Constitution. I believe that everyone should have the right to freedom of speech. CashApp if you like my content:$DrTriW Be sure to follow me on Gab: "If a society is to be free, its government has to be controlled." Ayn Rand
We either wake from this comfortable slumber or die in the fire that is comeing
Is it true that if you are not subscribed to my channel and you upvote my post it won't count for me?
Hi i am Nisar khan and i like Natural pictures and animals birds flower and beautiful place water and fishs ...
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Jun 2018
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