
"Be better not bitter" Love n peace to all while sharing parts of my life along with things i might find interesting, funny, stupid or even down right rude. 😃 Some saucy pics of all my hard work on yoga, planking and just working out in general with my best buddy bubbalicous. Recently taken up buddhism to release my inner buddahood and bring forth my full potential to be good, honest, kind and help others where i can and to be at peace. Always open to discussion and being informed if i am wrong. To hopefully one day find peace, travel the world, meet my soul mate and a place to call home. Love, peace and happiness to all living things ❤ Donate btc: bc1quuntugh5q6u2yjyrucpl5h9zc0la0ggrsanv5s Donate eth: 0x512c9811bE379C3dB328763cDB56E91506a175C2 Donate ltc: ltc1q2tkg6t3d62rl592rngdvtmf2m6lyc3wf50dm6z Donate dash: XpH8qR8apPkt5XTtPZXDRcvZqCw4jTar9b This time in my life every little helps. Thank you
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Jesus said, "Know what is in front of your face, and what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you."
Knowing The Difference
Elements Of Truth
Welcome To The Mixed Music Channel Here On MINDS, Where You'll Find Some Of The Best Mixed & Mashed Songs Ever Produced.
Welcome to my dirty channel 18+ only! Have fun 💋 🍆
A Taste Of Africa Cultural Event highlighting African talents in music, dancing, poetry, food, storytelling and more all over the continent of Africa. follow us on
Im married & keeping calm
Welcome to my chanel, help me grow and i will help back <3
Apr 2018
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