Fesn Balthexar Elybdis

~Autodidactic polymathic critical-rationalist; A Mind cultivating self-mastery via self-individuation and sovereignty My MBTI is INTP my masculine personality is Sigma I have been on Minds since 2016 reference link; https://www.minds.com/register?referrer=Gediganspirit
I'm a sentient, reasoning and thinking being from earth. Pleased to meet you.
Yog Yug contains step by step approach to various yoga asanas and exercises for both adults and children. It covers basic asana to advanced yoga. It has simple, clear demonstrations of yoga practices. Video has been developed under the guidance of Yoga Guru Neeraj Jha.
Writer and Editor. I love reading books and comics and exploring the nerdy side of life.
👽🌈🌌🌍🌞🌛 I am interested in aliens, the universe, healthy vegetarian food, music and conspiracy theories. And I 💖 animals.🐥🐇 
Over 60, do not suffer fools well, Heinleinien Moderate. I mention my age because it helps me spot the retards faster when they express their hate of the old. If ya think I'm being excessively rude to you, I am. If you think I'm being unjustly rude you've not been following the thread. You must be on the ''autistic,retard,troll or just not smart enough for this discussion'' list.
Chosen as my purpose in life to do my best to save humanity from self destruction and make this world a paradise.
We are Us. Maestro's Explorers Creators Time travellers Stay with Us. Life is all around Us.
Jul 2017
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