
HI MY NAME IS SATOSHI NAKAMOTO AND THIS IS JACKASS!! Hi I'm Satoshi Nakamoto and this is my crypto exchange. I work here with my old man, and my son, bitcoin. Everything in here has a story and a price. One thing I've learned through 6 years - you don't know WHAT is gonna come through that door. --- CRYPTO MEMES | SHITCOIN SHITPOSTS DON'T TAKE ANYTHING IN HERE SERIOUSLY!! PLEASE DON'T ASK ME FOR FREE STUFF NO BEGGING!! (DM ppl in this group and explain yourself if you have some kind of urgent issue) NO REF LINKS (unless its an admins or you ask us first) This is actually not really a place for debates and serious discussion, take it over to the other group crypto techno PLEASE DON'T ASK SILLY NOCOINER BULLSHIT BASIC B QUESTIONS - GOOGLE IT NO WHINING OR FUD #HODL (it's ok if you have some concerns but there's an appropriate way to talk about it that wont be considered FUD) Please always do your own research #DYOR ------------------------------ Only bubbles poppin is bottles on the LAMBOyacht imo if you can afford a lambo, you should go all in on some shitcoins, then you can buy a mega lambo yacht GET REKT NOOB!! #dontgetrekt My crypto guide for noobs here: NO SHILLING SPAMMY SCAMMY SHIT LIKE BITCONNECT, BINARY OPTIONS, USD FIAT, AND OTHER JUNK THAT WASTES MONEY If you are super new and wondering which wallet to use, i recommend for desktop but i wouldn't use the shapeshift trading inside (it wastes money) also google for whats best, read reddit. WHAT COIN SHOULD I BUY? well we have been posting pretty dank coins non stop in here so if you can't figure that out you should quit crypto but seriously just look at the coverphoto or name of the group for some ideas. ONLY GOOD COIN SIGNALS PLS Hope to see everyone become financially independent and free. We can easily see an end to world poverty in our lifetime. ------------------------------ LEGAL DISCLAIMER MY LEGAL COUNSEL HAS ADVISED ME TO ADD: All information posted here an opinion and is for
Oct 2018
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