H.A. Club

Humor Activity Club (H.A. Club) on MINDS. We dream, create, help inspire fun, smiles, humor, think about different emotions, focus on positive ideas & practice the arts, science and skills of humor and activity. Goals: We are continuously striving for laughs, working on improving our communication plans and social media sites, and we are growing new events, shows, and chapters. There are several social media sites for the Humor Activity Club (H.A. Club), and new ones being considered, or being developed. Big Dream: One goal is to have at least one fun loving, active H.A. Club Chapter in every country on the planet. H.A. Club's MINDS Open Group: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/865065344251604992 Other Social Media Sites - Examples (raw URLs) Also, see links below.: https://gab.ai/Humor_Activity_Club https://twitter.com/Humor_Activity https://www.facebook.com/groups/humor.activity/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/ha.club.atlanta.ga.usa/ https://www.instagram.com/h.a.club/ https://www.patreon.com/Humor_Activity_Club https://dlive.tv/Humor_Activity_Club https://www.gabhub.com/Humor_Activity_Club
location_onSanta Cruz
Type: All
Date: All